Help Me!!!

I really need help on my resorce file making!

1st: in the cost field what do the numbers mean! 000A does something completely ramdom, is there a table or something, somewhere?

2nd: which file contains the text, on the right hand side of the frame, when you land.

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for... EV/O or Nova?

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Welcome to the dev. corner.

If you would explain SLOWLY what you mean , and if its for EV/O or EVN. If for EVN are you using novatools, in your first question , what resource are you referring to (oüft?)

That would help alot.



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Originally posted by ZaKiller:
**I really need help on my resorce file making!

1st: in the cost field what do the numbers mean! 000A does something completely ramdom, is there a table or something, somewhere? **

The cost field determines how much the player pays for said item. For example, entering 12000 in a cost field makes the player pay 12,000 Credits, entering 875000 makes the player pay 875,000 Credits, entering 5 makes the player pay 5 Credits, etc., etc.

As for "000A" doing something "completely random", it's probably because you're supposed to use numerical characters only. That said, you may be confusing special flag fields that use combinations of letters and numbers with other fields. (in this case, the cost field.)


Originally posted by ZaKiller:
2nd: which file contains the text, on the right hand side of the frame, when you land.

Descriptions are stored in dësc resources. dësc resources for EVC are contained in the "EV Data" file, located in your Escape Velocity folder. dësc resources for EVO are contained in the "Override Data 1" file located in your EV Override folder. dësc resources for Nova are contained in the "Nova Data 3", "Nova Data 5", and "Nova Data 6" files, located within the "Nova Files" folder inside your EV Nova folder.

For specific resource IDs on which dësc contains what, refer to the EVC, EVO, or EVN bible.

Also, it would be helpful, (or at least more organized) if in the future you name your topics with more accuracey. For instance, this one could have been named "Cost fields and descriptions".

Hope that helps. 🙂

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Thanks alot!!!
That was exactly what I needed!

(p/s no sarcasm)

Also I'm using EVO (1.0.0), and as for the 000A thing I'm editing it in Resedit, and I thought it was hex...also when I look at it there is only 4 digits per field, it confusing. All I'm really asking is if it's hex or not.

Please HELP!!!

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Yes, that would be hex. There are only two bytes per token, which is what you have there (000A). What you need are the EVO Templates, which you can find at the (url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&page;=1")EVO Utilities(/url) section. That will the resources from hex to an understandable format. This is important because, no, not all of the fields are "four digits", some are actually eight, and in Nova, there can be as many as 510.

I would also suggest you upgrade to 1.0.2, as it contains many updates to the EVO engine. You can find that in the (url="http://";=essentials&display;=date&page;=1")EVO Essentials(/url) page.

(edit: added essentials link)
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(This message has been edited by SpacePirate (edited 03-12-2003).)

I'm not sure, but if you are not. I STRONGLY reccomend using the EVO bible. I'm getting a feeling that you arn't using it , because things like the "cost" field , are explained in the bible.

If you ARE using it, keep reading 🙂


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(url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
(url="http://"")iMac, Therefore, I am(/url)
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To: Space Pirate
Unfortunatly I can't download onto my mac yet but when I can...

To: Entarus
I am using the EVO Bible, and thanks.

p/s I am a new to the editing stuff, and it's very hard.

Join us in the fight against the evil Polystinrins!

At last...I now have internet on my mac, I downloaded some plug ins and stuff, 1.0.2, and found some templates.

Every thing is so much easier with the templates!

Thank you!

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