Freezing upon Quiting

I have encountered a problem several times now that is annoying. I am running Windows 98 with plenty of memory and I have PoG 1.0.2. I am using the Trinity and spells expander plug-in. The problem is everytime I try to quit the game PoG stops responding. I can get to the main menu, but once I hit quit on that screen I must ctrl-alt-delete may way out of the program. I expect the majority of PoG players here are Mac users, but has anyone else experienced this problem?

Yup, I sure have :rolleyes: It's a pain yeah. The best thing I've found to do is to put PoG in a window, then click the close button on the window. Though, for some reason, when I do that, PoG is still running, even though it's not open anymore. :mad:
I'm hoping that Beenox/Ambrosia will come out with a new version soon that'll fix this problem. Don't count on it though, as I haven't heard anything about a new version in the works.


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

It's not so bad. Using ctrl-alt-delete fixes it easily enough and it doesnt seem to cause any problems with the system. It would be nice if a newer version came out to fix it, but I can deal.

Yep, known bug. I've reported it a couple of times.

As you've mentioned though, three-finger saluting takes care of the problem.

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