pict to photoshop and back to pict how

I took a pict file of a ship (which I got after running DeRLE, opening the pict copying it and then pasting it into photoshop) Once I was done making the changes I wanted, I need to get it back. The file is about 2mb, and I can't simply copy and paste it, since I get an error saying "clipboard export failed because image is too big"

This kind of thing must have been asked before. I just could not find it in a search.

In photoshop, the image is about 2000 px by 2000px

Any resources that I have right now just say I have to copy and past the files into a PICT resource.

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."

In Photoshop, go to "Save As". Under the format drop-down menu, there is an option for "PICT Resource" (It ship be right under "PICT File"). Select that and hit save, and it will ask you to select resource ID numbers. Pick anything above 128. The new file should have ".rsr" as an extension. This file now contains the picture and is readable by ResEdit. All you have to do is open it.

Warning: Signatures in mirror are closer than they appear.
Zeeky Boogy Doog.
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thanks, that did it.

Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."

Or you might also save for web.....



Originally posted by Cooldude:
Or you might also save for web.....

Aside from the fact that this question was already answered, "Save for Web" only saves in web compatible formats: GIF, JPEG and PNG. Not PICT.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.


Originally posted by Kame:
Aside from the fact that this question was already answered, "Save for Web" only saves in web compatible formats: GIF, JPEG and PNG. Not PICT.

...and saving it to a GIF or a JPEG could ruin the quality of the file, depending on the settings used.

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