Porting plug problem(The 3 Ps)

Well im trying to get the babylon 5 plug to nova i boy what a job i used enrle to get the rled and rle8 but i need to get the shan for it to work all i had to start out was the pict but how do i get the shan im ok at plug in making but ive never done something like this.

You should get the shan as well.

Check (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evn&category;=guides&display;=date&file;=AddShips2.0.sit")this guide(/url) out. It can explain things a lot better than I can off the top of my head. I learnt how to do exactly what your doing from it.

If you still don't understand, please post again!

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/newkongindustries/")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC, and the MissionPack!

I realize that you're new to the boards, but I'd like to ask you to please at least use (somewhat) proper punctuation when posting. It just makes it a lot easier to understand what you want.

The first question is: did you get permission from the original artist/writer? They might not want you to port their plug.

The second question is: how did you get the graphics? If you pulled them from a plug, then you should have all the data that you need. Just take the information from the spin, and use that in the shan. The EVN bible should give you all the information that you'll need to tell you where the spin data should go in the shan.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Well im not releasing it it's just for personal use.
Sorry for the punctuation.
It's a plug from EVO and has no shan but i got the spin,rled and rle8 already from enrle thanks for the help guys.


to translate a spin to a shan:
BaseImageID is SpritesID
BaseMaskID is MasksID
BaseSetCount is 1
BaseXSize is xSize
BaseYSize is ySize
(everything here 0 until...)
FramesPer is 36
(everything else 0)

you can screw with the rest (weapon positions, blinking lights, etc.) later, but this should get you a working shan. once you have that, make sure you have all your graphics in order (all the picts, rle8s, and rleds), and you should have your ship graphics flying around

it's been one of those days: this morning i looked up and saw epsilon

Well i got the shan but i still need help Nighthawk email me ill send you the plug in your email check it


(attempts to send email w/o address using telepathetic powers...)

it's been one of those days: this morning i looked up and saw epsilon

i sent you the plug if you could help me i would really appreciate it.
