Are weapons such as the decoy flare and dust cloud, that act as a decoy for missiles, still possible in EVN? I can't find anything about them in the bible or novatools.
Decoy Weapons in EVN
No. They were removed from EVN. However, no any weapon can destroy missiles, and there are point defense systems.
Sorry. SP
Eat blazing electric death!
Originally posted by Nadir:
Are weapons such as the decoy flare and dust cloud, that act as a decoy for missiles, still possible in EVN? I can't find anything about them in the bible or novatools.
Make it a point defense free fall rocket. It will fire automatically, but it won't be guided.
"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
Russell for President 2020!
You can't make a PD Rocket- only turrets (standard unguided projectile) and turret beams.
I'm not sure why they decided to do away with decoy flares in favor of PD- I would have liked both. The best thing I have been able to come up with is some kind of "Defense Drone." Make a freefall bomb with submunitions of a powerful PD weapon, and lots of them (PD beams are much much more effective than their projectile counterparts). With this, at least any missile that comes near will probably get 'done blowed up.
Originally posted by Masamune:
**You can't make a PD Rocket- only turrets (standard unguided projectile) and turret beams.
Just make said projectile look like a missile and give it a partical trail, tada.
Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
"You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"
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(This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 02-03-2003).)
Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
**Just make said projectile look like a missile and give it a partical trail, tada.
Or make it blind to the sides and make it very slow so it seems to drift.
"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
Russell for President 2020!
The problem is, the missile itself won't head towards the PD weapon. The PD weapon has to head towards it.
That said, I do like the idea of a PD freefall rocket. The player will have to turn away from the missile and accelerate for it to be effective, but it would probably work.
Lightning beam PD weapons are very cool, by the way.
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Don't let borification happen to YOU -mrxak
Originally posted by mrxak:
Lightning beam PD weapons are very cool, by the way.
Not to mention effective. They'll kill a fighter in a matter of seconds. I still can't figure out how to make weaker beams...
Not all who wander are lost.
Beams in general just don't obey the rules like they should. The deviations I have found, heard about, or suspect include:
1. Damage is applied every frame, regardless of reload and count rates
2. Can not be planetary weapons, in any way shape or form.
The first is a biggy- if you make a beam that reloads at 30 and has a count of 30, it has the same effect as a beam with 1 reload and 1 count- the only difference is when the sound is played.
P-Psycho, in that plug I sent you, notice that I essentially multiplied all the damage ratings and capacities by 10 in order to control damage dealt at a finer degree. As an example, a basic laser shot does around 50 damage, and the modified Hellhound does 500 shield, 750 armor. A particle beam has a damage rating of 1, and barely scratches things, like I want it to.