Ship Design Competition - Possibility?

March...whoa... thats a while from now. Perhaps march 1?

"if its not a threat, its a promise!"
Admiral (url="http://"")Zom(/url)bat


Originally posted by Admiral Zombat:
**March...whoa... thats a while from now. Perhaps march 1?

Hmmm, the more time the better in my mind. Although nobody wants to know what's in my mind, so never mind. LOL.


The Evil Spoonman

(what a pointless post)

The Evil Spoonman
My Brain is Right here (Subject to Change Without Notice)
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

I'd really like it if it was in march. Then I'd have a chance to try out all these ideas floating around in my head, and see which turns out best. 😉

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In a fight for peace, you must fight for equality, not revenge.
"I am against evolution being taught in schools. I am also against widespread literacy and the refrigeration of food." - The Onion

Right, March it is. EVula, ill mail you shortly about getting a site sorted, say within the next 3 days.


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Originally posted by Legion:
Right, March it is. EVula, ill mail you shortly about getting a site sorted, say within the next 3 days.

That works for me; I'll be back online with my tower (which has all of my email accounts and all on it) by then. Make it an above-normal priority email so it actually catches my attention when it comes in, otherwise you're likely to have to wait weeks and months for a response like everyone else does. 😉

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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This topic died, me laughs, lol, I have a problem now. I'm getting Lightwave 3D and I want to do the ship in Lightwave, but I have to learn it. Oh well, I guess I'll just learn it real fast

The Evil Spoonman
My Brain is Right here (Subject to Change Without Notice)
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

I'm pretty mediocre, but I'm gonna try. Dude, I just wish I could do something about my textures.... I have no idea how to draw those dern texture maps.....

I'm just that bad. =P

-If all is lost, does that mean no more donuts?-
Hungry person

I've finally come up with a good ship design, so I'll start modelling asap.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Heh...uh, march sounds great! (my computer is down)

"if its not a threat, its a promise!"
Admiral (url="http://"")Zom(/url)bat

Hey, is this still happening? It seems to be losing momentum. If it is, is there site yet? I for one would like to see this competition through to the end.

'So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we can decide is what we chose to do with the time given to us."
- Gandalf, 'The Lord of the Rings' - J. R. R. Tolkien
(url="http://"")Fearra's Realm(/url)
(url="http://"")Ory-Hara Plug-in for EV:N(/url)

Legion, please reply.

If nothing is done for awhile, I'm actually considering taking over the competition and setting it up myself. However, since the voting will be public, this won't prevent me from entering. 😄


So...I gather things are just as hazy now as they were the last time I read through this topic. I'm gonna have to scoll back through to read the official rules, but I'd say mid-march sounds good. Some of us, and by us I mean me, have full-time school and a part-time job, plus two bands to play in every messing-around-doing-3D-stuff-time is usually wasted on Aleph One (playing it, not creating anything. How long can you survive Total Carnage in Vulcan, killing enough VacBob's to have 'em turn on you, and never picking up the 3x powerup?)...

So, whomever hosts the beast, early- to mid-march would see an entry from myself.

...geeze, I gotta sleep more often.

(url="http://"") - () () / }{ - (/url)
(url="http://"")Onyx's EV Shipyard(/url)

I'm in, and March sounds great.

"To err is human, to blame someone else is politics"
Bottom of Ginger Meggs comic


Origonally posted by Onyx
...geeze, I gotta sleep more often.

Hear, hear.

March is great, great, great, Lightwave is cool, amazing, excellent.

LOL, but much different then Strata.

The Evil Spoonman
My Brain is Right here (Subject to Change Without Notice)
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

Wow I can't believe I didn't see this sooner.
I tried to read through the whole thread to make sure I'm not resuggesting anything but it was so long so forgive me if any body already suggested this but I saw one post asking weather this would be an on goin event or just this one time. I like the Idea of every 6 months having submition deadlines of January 1st and July first. That would give lots of time for work between contests I was also thinking that maybe we should go all the way with it and require submissions to be completely functional plugs acompanied by snapshots that could be posted on a website. The Judges could be a panel of veteran beta testers that could try out each ship and evaluate how well it looks in the game and how bug free the plug is (not the a ship plug is all that complicated. It's not like a tc or anything.) then perhaps the top 3 or 5 ships (the contest winning plugs) could be posted for everyone to download and use. Or, Post all the entrys for download and let every one try them out and use them and submit there votes. Like a peoples choice kind of award.

Anyway I'm definitly in. I'm new to Strata but I've got some great Ideas. If I can figure out how to pull them off in time I'd love to submit my ship.


Well, long, dense quote. (but nice screen name).

That would be cool, an ongoing contest, hmm, we likes. Except for one problem, this would take time, somebody could host it continously (I can hear Evula coming), but the people who judged it would have to be top caliber, and nice about it.

Anyway, ship my ship is still in progress...

The Evil Spoonman
My Brain is Right here (Subject to Change Without Notice)
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

EVula can postit on his site, i can do the voting

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Evil_Spoonman:
(I can hear Evula coming)

Aside from the fact that you didn't spell my name correctly, I'm already here. 🙂

I just sent the (url="http://"") account details to Legion; I'm sure he'll post here when there is something to post. Yet more words of wisdom from yours truly... I need to go to bed.

Edit: Oh, and a few words about voting: the site will have a board over at my (url="http://"")Forums,(/url) which allow for polls in topics. I figure that this would be the easiest way of keeping track of voting.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 01-30-2003).)


Originally posted by EVula:
**Aside from the fact that you didn't spell my name correctly, I'm already here.:)

This may get me karma whacked, but I spell your name wrong to annoy you. It seems that if you're so peticular about having it spelled right, I spell it wrong (EBola) lol.

Anyway, tell us when the time comes.

The Evil Spoonman
My Brain is Right here (Subject to Change Without Notice)
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

Things ARE moving poeple. Page/site whatever is almost ready for upload, hopefully today my time (GMT). Ive been woking with EVula via mail for a while now, and his surport is very much appreicated, as is all the feedback posted here.

Hold tight. 🙂

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