plug idea

i think that somone should just add on to ev nova insted of changing the whole game, evn is already a great game and if you people arent satisfied they you should make it better, some ideas are 1 moving the bar on the right side to the bottom(that annoys me the most) that would look more like a ship 2 expanding the universe and adding goverments and planets and mision strings to the game. I look for expantion plugins and i find lots of plugs that totaly converge othere then add. i hope somone makes a plug that has some of my ideas in it. thanks



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"I want pop-pop underwear!" - HollyWoozle
(url="http://"")My stuff(/url)

I am amused.

(edit)well, that was a lame 1666th post...(/edit)

(url="http://"")Innocent Cabbage(/url)

(This message has been edited by Oscar (edited 02-04-2003).)

I wish I had thought of that!

"Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
Russell for President 2020!


Originally posted by sami6877:
**i think that somone should just add on to ev nova insted of changing the whole game, evn is already a great game and if you people arent satisfied they you should make it better, some ideas are 1 moving the bar on the right side to the bottom(that annoys me the most) that would look more like a ship 2 expanding the universe and adding goverments and planets and mision strings to the game. I look for expantion plugins and i find lots of plugs that totaly converge othere then add. i hope somone makes a plug that has some of my ideas in it. thanks


Hmm, you seem to be contradicting yourself there, genius. Do you, perchance, have a MPD?

Not all who wander are lost.

i mean the people that make total conversions with totaly new ships and new goverments changes the game too much, i think that you should add positivaly wihout changing the layout of systems and the goverments



Originally posted by sami6877:
**i mean the people that make total conversions with totaly new ships and new goverments changes the game too much, i think that you should add positivaly wihout changing the layout of systems and the goverments


Go play Polycon, then we'll talk.

Not all who wander are lost.


Originally posted by sami6877:
**i mean the people that make total conversions with totaly new ships and new goverments changes the game too much, i think that you should add positivaly wihout changing the layout of systems and the goverments


Well, if you don't like TCs, then don't play them.
There are plenty of plugins that do just that.
Also TCs are what I like the most about this game. To all you of people who are making them right now, I can't wait for them, they sound great!

(url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
"Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
forge, on release dates for the EVN port
May contain sarcasm

ok dude ill play prloycon or whatever



Originally posted by sami6877:
**ok dude ill play prloycon or whatever


By the way, you said you searched for plugins but mostly found TCs. I don't quite get how that is possible, since there is only one TC out, and that is Polycon.

(url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
"Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
forge, on release dates for the EVN port
May contain sarcasm


Originally posted by WraithSniper:
**To all you of people who are making them right now, I can't wait for them, they sound great!


Yeah, well, ours would progress a lot faster if we could find a good graphics artist... 😉

Not all who wander are lost.

btw, TCs aren't because someone doesn't like the game, it's because people want to use the engine to produce their own ideas (funny post though!)

Feel the Jive
(url="http://"")Resistance Site(/url) | (url="http://"")Anada(/url) | (url="http://"")Errant Story(/url)

thease are acouple tc's i found

This is the website for Rift, an upcoming total conversion for EV Nova.

Star Wars: An EV:N Total Conversion
The official website for the one-and-only one Star Wars EV:N plug-in. Complete with 150+ planet descriptions, governments, races, ship and outfit graphics, and more!

Robotech - EV
this is the site for the upcoming Robotech-EV TC

The Silent Ruins of Earth
The Silent Ruins of Earth is a massive total conversion plug-in being developed for EVN. It features a huge, unique universe, the innovations of 21st Century Digital Boy and pesimist guy, and a complex plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

German Planes
The site for the yomcat's upcoming Nova TC plug, German Planes. There are forums and other info. Feel free to join up. The plug is based on German Planes of WWII. It has the Messerschmitt and Focke-Wulf companes battling it out against the Luftwaffe.

The Insurgent Front
A total conversion plug-in which's goal is to be fun to play.


Once you have beaten every possible storyline, conquered the galaxy, and explored everything possibly cool about this game, you begin to get bored of it and want to start playing something original. This is where TCs come in. They give you more enjoyment for your money. Besides, there are infinite possibilities. Some of us here have been playing the game since it was released (like me).

Not all who wander are lost.


Originally posted by sami6877:
**< snip>

Oh. One, every one of those TCs are still being made. In fact, I think one or two of them may have become vaporware. Next time, try going to those sites, instead of assuming that making a new game is bad. Also, notice how most of their descriptions say "the upcoming TC for Nova..." Key word there is upcoming.
Second, if you want to see what plugins, TCs, and other add-ons are actually out, you should go to the add-ons page. You should be aware that not every plugin being made happens to have a web page, nor is there always a link to it.

(url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
"Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
forge, on release dates for the EVN port
May contain sarcasm

(This message has been edited by WraithSniper (edited 02-04-2003).)

so i downloaded poly con and i started it up and the startup screen is messed up,
next i see all the differnt ships of the old game scatterd all in one system,
its not like i have anything againced tc's or disencourage the creation of more. i just realy liked the way it was created because the devolopers did a great job i think devolpers should go from the guide that the game was made as

this doesn't mean that i hate tc's because im still going to play polycon but it was an idea and you dont have to tear me apart about it



Originally posted by WraithSniper:
** should go to the add-ons page. You should be aware that not every plugin being made happens to have a web page, nor is there always a link to it.



Not all who wander are lost.


Originally posted by sami6877:
**so i downloaded poly con and i started it up and the startup screen is messed up,
next i see all the differnt ships of the old game scatterd all in one system,
its not like i have anything againced tc's or disencourage the creation of more. i just realy liked the way it was created because the devolopers did a great job i think devolpers should go from the guide that the game was made as

this doesn't mean that i hate tc's because im still going to play polycon but it was an idea and you dont have to tear me apart about it


Uh, Polycon is about 90Mb uncompressed. You just downloaded the updater.

Not all who wander are lost.

wait scratch that (part about messing up) that was my falt sorry



Originally posted by sami6877:
**so i downloaded poly con and i started it up and the startup screen is messed up,
next i see all the differnt ships of the old game scatterd all in one system,
its not like i have anything againced tc's or disencourage the creation of more. i just realy liked the way it was created because the devolopers did a great job i think devolpers should go from the guide that the game was made as

this doesn't mean that i hate tc's because im still going to play polycon but it was an idea and you dont have to tear me apart about it


Make sure you downloaded the whole thing, on the add-ons page it's broken down into parts. Let me see if I can find it in one download...
Ah! (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...f/download.html(/url)
Seeing how large it is I bet you just downloaded the update by mistake.
I hope you like it. 🙂

(url="http://"")Wecome to the Empire. Resistance is futile.(/url) (url="http://"") Have a question? (url="http://"")Search first!(/url) (url="http://"")EVN Walkthrough(/url) Warning! (url="http://"")Poor taste in cars ahead!(/url)
"Every time somebody asks,it gets delayed two days. Just remember this."
forge, on release dates for the EVN port
May contain sarcasm