Defense Fleets

I'm writing a plugin for Override and cannot get a planet to defend itself from domination! Can someone guide me through the process of creating a defense fleet. I read the EV Bible & did everything it said but it still won't work.



Perhaps you can download EVO Developer's Map program from the EVO addons section utility area. It is a map editing program. It has features to edit defense fleet for a spöb which I find it much easier for me to handle. However, if it is düde resource you are trying to edit, I don't think it should be that hard to make.

Last but not least, use the almighty (drumroll plz) <<SEARCH>> feature in the future.

Welcome to the board, dude.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus
I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses laugh and cry.
(url="http://"")DryDock Station(/url), the future site of Coraxus's stuff.

(This message has been edited by Coraxus (edited 01-26-2003).)


So noted. Thanks for the welcome.
