Char Rank

I'm making a plug for EV:N which allows you to start the game with a different professions, i.e: Trader, Pirate, Federation Scout, Rebel Scout, Polaris Commander etc.
but for these to work I need to start them (Polaris Commander for example) with the appropriate ranks (Nil'Kermoya(however you spell it), Hypergate Access) any help?

"To err is human, to blame someone else is politics"
Bottom of Ginger Meggs comic

If you are familiar with control bits, do the following

1: Open the chär resource (for example "federation scout")
2: Put for example "b8000" in the "set bits" field.
3: Open the chär resource and put "b8000" in the "set rank on (test") field.

I'm not sure if I remembered the names on the fields correctly, but you'll get it when you open the resources.

Hope that helps


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

Instead of messing with the ranks themselves, in the chär resource, use the Kxxx NCB, which gives the character the ränk ID xxx. You still want to set the appropriate control bits that tell Nova you are on the correct mission string, though.


Can we take The Polaris Commander for example.(that's my main objective at the moment) I'd like to have them start of with the rank of Nil'kermoya, which is rank ID 150. How would one specifically activate the control bits and rank stuff, cause I don't get it 😕!
HomeWear, Unfortunately, I don't understand control bits.

"To err is human, to blame someone else is politics"
Bottom of Ginger Meggs comic

In the chär resource, in the onStart field, put K150. That gives you the Nilkemorya rank. Next, you have to figure out where in the mission string you want to begin. Just having the rank doesn't do much but make Polaris ships not attack you. In Resedit/NovaTools, look through the Polaris mission string. When you find the point where you want to start, look at the Availability field. It will contain something on the order of

B100 & !B101

B100 means bit 100 must be set, & !B101 means bit 101 must not be set. In your chär's on start, put B100. Look at the rest of the availability requirements- such as ship type and whatnot. Make sure your chär is set up to provide this.

Last, the hard part. You may want to get ahold of the Nova Bit Bible. You need to backtrack through the missions from your starting point, and make sure all the bits they set are set in your onStart field. It's like a context switch in an OS, really. Nova must not realize that these missions where not actually completed- the enviroment must be indestinguishable from having actually done the missions.

Get the EV:N bible, and read it. Read it again. Do this first.

Good luck, hope you realize what you are getting into.
