Need help debugging METAL program

If any of you are experienced METAL programmers, please help me if you can. I wrote TC Map Maker, available in the EVN addons section. It allows you to click and place systems on a map. Unfortunately, the first one didn't let you reopen saved files and was Classic-only, being written in Visual MacStandardBasic. Hopefully this one will.

Unfortunately, the save function doesn't work. I'm using METAL v1.7.3 on Mac OS X 10.2.0. Email me at and I'll send you the code.

This can also be used to help in the creation of TC plugs for EV and EVO. It's mainly for Nova because of the absence of stuff that can do this.


Does it allow you to forge hyperlinks?

Benarhtalh engan. >^_^<
(url="http://"")Ninjaburger.(/url) There in 30 minutes or we commit seppuku.
A Stoir Moi Chroi. A plugin for EVN. "And Druid's feet will pace again/the mountians of my childhood..."

No. All it does is save the coordinates of the systems to a text file. The problem I'm having is that I can't get it to open them again.


I've done stuff like that in METAL (well saving and loading) send it to me (url="http://"")

i've also done a bit of METAL, i'll give it a look if you send it to


The best NOVA fighter pilot ever

Thanks Sean, it works perfectly. All I have to do now is do a few superficial things and it'll be ready for release!


Glad to be of service, anything else, e-mail me.
