Contribute and require fields

What are these fields for (NovaTools)
Those numbers (0x0005541 and such) are they flags or something?

Do you need them to make well, kinda strange plugins?
Like ships that acts like spöbs?


Dj HomeWear (yes, that's me!)


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

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Thank you, but I have it downloaded both in HTML and PDF
Is "everything" possible using the flags (if it is flags)?


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear


Posted Image

Please, Froggy. Learn the skill of context. 🙂

And isn't that funny, either.


(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 01-01-2003).)


Is "everything" possible using the flags (if it is flags)?

No. The require and contribute fields help determine when something (like a ship or outfit) is avilable. You can do other stuff with other flags, but check the Bible for details on them.

With the contribute and require fields, you could have an outfit which you can only buy if you have a licence for it.

Think of both fields as a 16 bit string of either 1s or 0s.

The Require field is which bits need to be set to 1 before the pilot can get the item.

The Contribute field is which bits the item sets for the player.

Here's an example:

The Ubergun has a require field like this: 0000000000000001

The Ubergun licence has a contribute field like this: 0000000000000001

When the player trys to buy the Ubergun, his contribute field is logically anded with the item's require field (so 0+0 = 0, 0+1 = 0, 1+0 = 0 1+1 = 1). If the player doesn't have the uber licence it would look like this:

0000000000000001 - Ubergun require field
0000000000000000 - Player contribute field
0000000000000000 - Result

So the pilot couldn't get the Ubergun. If, on the other hand, the player had the licence, the calculation would look like this:

0000000000000001 - Ubergun require field
0000000000000001 - Player contribute field
0000000000000001 - Result

This pilot could get the Ubergun.

I can imagine how confused you are with this! Check out how Nova deals with licences and you should get a better idea. Also, if you use Nova Tools it will be easier to understand.

(url="http://"")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC!

(This message has been edited by simon (edited 12-11-2002).)

Sorry to dig this up but...

I understand what the fields do. I'm a little uncertain on how to use them. I know that bits need to match up in order for related "things" to work so that's not the issue. I'm wondering if there are any specific issues regarding certain bits. Meaning... will setting certain bits conflict with other outfits, etc? Is there any way to know what bits aren't being used so if I set a contribute field for my ship I won't accidentally be allowing access to a weapon that I shouldn't have. Or do you just have to go through nearly every resource to see which bits are available? Or does it even matter?

Hope that makes sense.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.


Originally posted by Kame:
I'm wondering if there are any specific issues regarding certain bits. Meaning... will setting certain bits conflict with other outfits, etc? Is there any way to know what bits aren't being used so if I set a contribute field for my ship I won't accidentally be allowing access to a weapon that I shouldn't have. Or do you just have to go through nearly every resource to see which bits are available? Or does it even matter?

The EV:Nova scenario (v1.0.2) uses the following contribute bits:

Contribute0 uses 000003FF (the low order 10 bits) leaving 22 bits free for our usage.
Contribute1 uses C0000071 leaving 26 bits free.

The way I found this out was precisely as you surmised, I went through every (yes, every) resource that used the Contribute0 & 1 flags and tallied up the results shown above.
If you "step" on these bits used by the Nova scenario you will cause yourself grief.

As an addendum, the Contribute0 flags are used by the ränk and oütf resources and the Contribute1 flags are used by the shďp resources.

ps.- readily half of programming of any kind is not hard, ... just tedious.

"There are no bugs in my code, ... only undocumented features." - corollary #3
provided by bit-banger Arturo:
table: (url="http://";=ResourceInterdependence.hqx")ResourceInterdependence(/url) and plug-in: (url="http://";=ShieldBubbles1.0.hqx")ShieldBubbles1.0(/url)


Originally posted by Arturo:
**The EV:Nova scenario (v1.0.2) uses the following contribute bits:

Contribute0 uses 000003FF (the low order 10 bits) leaving 22 bits free for our usage.
Contribute1 uses C0000071 leaving 26 bits free.

The way I found this out was precisely as you surmised, I went through every (yes, every) resource that used the Contribute0 & 1 flags and tallied up the results shown above.
If you "step" on these bits used by the Nova scenario you will cause yourself grief.

As an addendum, the Contribute0 flags are used by the ränk and oütf resources and the Contribute1 flags are used by the shďp resources.

ps.- readily half of programming of any kind is not hard, ... just tedious.


Thanks, I actually finally figured out how this works. I was looking at it from a Nova Tools perpective of all the little check boxes which was throwing me off. Basically did the same thing though of going through nearly every outf resource and seeing which bits were set and which weren't. Tedious.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.

Hey thanks for the time saver guys.

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"If by being abnormal we are normal, and by being normal we are abnormal, we create a paradox loop and therefore we neither exist nor not exist. We simply are."
- Zerak Toman