max rank #?

Does anyone know the maximum number of ranks? 128?


"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson


Originally posted by seant:
Does anyone know the maximum number of ranks? 128?

Good question. At least on my version of the bible, it does not say. You could try to make a lot of them and see how many of them actually work...

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Originally posted by mrxak:
**Good question. At least on my version of the bible, it does not say. You could try to make a lot of them and see how many of them actually work...


Indeed , just add as many ranks as you need. You'll notice it if you have reached your limit.

Hope this helps,


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The 6/9/02 version (the latest) of the EVN Bible states in "Part I - Game Constants" that the maximum number of ränks is 128. Since EVN itself uses ränk RIDs 128 through 151, that means that we can make use of the free ränk RIDs from 152 through 255. For a complete list of free RIDs, look (url="http://"")here(/url) (the list is at the end of the thread).

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provided by bit-banger Arturo:
table: (url="http://";=ResourceInterdependence.hqx")ResourceInterdependence(/url) and plug-in: (url="http://";=ShieldBubbles1.0.hqx")ShieldBubbles1.0(/url)


Originally posted by Arturo:
**The 6/9/02 version (the latest) of the EVN Bible states in "Part I - Game Constants" that the maximum number of ränks is 128.

Huh. I guess I need to download the latest version of the Bible. Thanks for the info.


"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson