dësc, mďsn, ä˙ëü– üö… why?

Does resource names need to have strange letters in them?
Why can't "dësc" be "desc"?

I think it's kinda mad with all those "mad" letters, it takes time to find 'em on the keyboard, you know.

Dj HomeWear (yes, that's me!)


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

I think they are for showing that, they are shorts for longer words. Like mďsn ---> mission , s˙st--->system, etc....


(url="http://"http://www.apple.com")iMac, Therefore, I am(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com/upcoming/")EVONE 1.0.0, the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/007795.html")Star Trek : Frontiers ( An EVN Tc)(/url)
Somewhere out there life is bound to exist...

I believe that is in case the user has a TMPL for some other other game/program. In resedit, you can only have on TMPL of each type. You are more likely to run into another 'desc' than if you had unique letters.

Eat blazing electric death!

They use umlauts to designate that resources are EV-specific, so that other developers are less likely to claim them. In Project Epsilon, we prefixed everything with a ∑ (sigma) to the same effect.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

And they're not hard to type. To get a letter with an umlaut (the two dots) over it, just press option-u before typing it. So, ë is option-u, e, and so on. Be glad you don't have to type them on Windows, where...

ä is Alt-0228
ë is Alt-0235
ď is Alt-0239
ö is Alt-0246
ü is Alt-0252
˙ is Alt-0255

(The numerical portions of these codes must be typed on the number pad.)

David Arthur @ (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/faq/")EV Nova Gameplay FAQ(/url) - Now Hosted by (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url)!

Woah, thanks, man!
That'll come in useful browsing on my dad's computer.


LOL...that's strangely fun. 😕


Nope, not working... Alt-0246?

The great space parrot is a biped


Originally posted by Trugati:
**Nope, not working... Alt-0246?

And yet another drawback to Windows appears...uncompatability. (crowd oo's as Gates stands to return the insult)

Headline news: The Yoda Story "Addicted to drugs, I was"
Official minion of EVula. Beware the substance >e<. (url="http://"http://www.evula.com")www.evula.com(/url) (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")www.ev-nova.net(/url)


Originally posted by HomeWear:
Does resource names need to have strange letters in them?

Apple has said in their documentation regarding resources, that they have reserved all resource names with all lowercase and all uppercase letters from a to z. So if you want to store data in a resource and never have it conflict with new kinds of resources apple creates, you have to either name it with mixed case "Desc" or use some kind of umlaut "dësc".


Compilers - the ultimate god games.

(This message has been edited by Kidglove II (edited 12-21-2002).)

There are only so many possible file format names. I once had a file whose format(creator, iirc) was the same as The Sims House Party, so the document was listed as "The Sims House Party Document" even though it wasn't.

I assume that Növa is used because in addition to sticking with the umlauts over a letter, there's probably a program out there that uses the Creator 'Nova' or something.

The same is true with resources in ResEdit. EV uses specific resources, so it wouldn't be good to have the names conflict. of course, it would be obvious if you made a resource name that conflicted with one existing, but having them be unique is... ...better.




Originally posted by Trugati:
**Nope, not working... Alt-0246?


One must hold down the alternate key, type the number sequence, then release the alt key for this to work. Alt+0246 is how it is indicated in Windows. Though XP's Character map program is stupid and just shows a hex value. Oy.



(This message has been edited by CaptJosh (edited 12-30-2002).)