Make money flying a Viper! Wow!

I've been thinking 'bout the Viper and how to make a plugin that makes you able to actually make some money if you fly one. So I came up with this idea:
Escorting star liners, just like the AI vipers does all the time. Okay, here's the problem; how can I get a mission like this (escort mission) to show up in the Mission BBS is that possible? It doesn't seem like it is, you see, it just doesn't show up! And one more thing; is it possible to actually ESCORT the star liner instead of THE STAR LINER escorting you? You know, when you hire an escort, you always have to fly ahead of it. Is it possible to make the ship you're escorting fly ahead of you? Hehe, I was just wondering, it would be much cooler, you know!

EDIT: Typo


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

(This message has been edited by HomeWear (edited 12-18-2002).)

You should be able to get any sort of mission to appear in the mission computer. Double check that the random-ness and the AvailBits are working properly, and you actually have it set to be offered in the Mission Computer...

As for the second bit, not really. Technically the Starliner would be escorting you, but it doesn't matter that much. It's a cool idea.

(url="http://"")New Kong Industries (/url) - Home of the Night's Dawn TC, and the MissionPack!

Ah, I figured it out. It was just a stupid little mistake.
Thanks anyway!


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear


Originally posted by HomeWear:
**Ah, I figured it out. It was just a stupid little mistake.
Thanks anyway!

Post the solution if you would, so that anyone searching for how to do what you're doing can know how to do it, too. 🙂

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Originally posted by HomeWear:
**I've been thinking 'bout the Viper and how to make a plugin that makes you able to actually make some money if you fly one. So I came up with this idea:
Escorting star liners, just like the AI vipers does all the time. Okay, here's the problem; how can I get a mission like this (escort mission) to show up in the Mission BBS is that possible? It doesn't seem like it is, you see, it just doesn't show up! And one more thing; is it possible to actually ESCORT the star liner instead of THE STAR LINER escorting you? You know, when you hire an escort, you always have to fly ahead of it. Is it possible to make the ship you're escorting fly ahead of you? Hehe, I was just wondering, it would be much cooler, you know!

EDIT: Typo


Regular vipers only have one jump, so you'll need to refuel at every system (great for charters that want to do extra sight-seeing), and have to be careful with inhabited systems blocking your path.

well, I suppose nothing that a few solar panels can't fix.

You should make like ten of those missions, and make one of them have a fleet of pirates as aux ship hanging out somewhere. Just to add to the excitement q-:

Has anyone ever taken out a pirate carrier using a viper w/o cheating? I don't think I want to even try... d-:

Pan Sola

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to


Originally posted by Pan Sola:
**Has anyone ever taken out a pirate carrier using a viper w/o cheating? I don't think I want to even try... d-:

Pan Sola


Finished the Entire Federation String in a Stock Civi Fighter(Minus Cargo Stuff)

Talk about hard

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
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EVula, it was just a stupid little mistake. I forgot that my combar rating wasn't high enough, d'uh! So, everybody out there, check all requirement fields before posting topics here, or you'll end up like er me!


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear


Originally posted by HomeWear:
**EVula, it was just a stupid little mistake. I forgot that my combar rating wasn't high enough, d'uh! So, everybody out there, check all requirement fields before posting topics here, or you'll end up like er me!


I got a pilot file, a Reble Viper Intercepter comes with 3 light cannon, 2 Radar Missle Launchers, plus 2 Raven Rocket pods, if take all weapons off, you should be able to custize, the Viper with exter battery packs and solar panels plus a little more beefy cannons, and still have enough room for an escape pod.

If you answer a silly question, you are just as silly as the person who asked it. Give a silly answer to a silly queston, and the one who asked it will realize that he's not as smart as he thinks.
A leech has two daughters, and both are named "Give me!"

(This message has been edited by NSA man (edited 12-29-2002).)

NSA man, we don't need to know about your pilot file. Keep it relevant, please.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
"I expect you'd like to know about frogmen?"