limit on number of resources in a file?

I'm trying to combine all of the Nova Data into one single giant file.

I managed to put all of Data 1 and Data 2, as well as the cron from Data 3, all into the same file.

However, I can only copy the desc from Data 3 up to RID 421. After that, if I try to copy any more resource to the giant file, or simply creating a new resource within the giant file, my mac emulator would crash.

I know it's not a size issue, since right now the giant file is only 3mb, and there are files larger than 3mb which I can create new resources in. So I'm guessing it's the total number of resources in the giant file that's causing it to crash.

Does anyone know if this a limitation of my emulator, the MacOS 8.1, or resedit?

Thanks a lot for any enlightenment,

Pan Sola

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to

The Mac OS has certain limitations in place. These have been there since the days of System 7, and were used until OS 9.2.2.

No one file can have a resource fork larger than 16MB. Keep this in mind for plugs heavy with graphics.

No one file can have a resource fork with more than 2727 resources total. Combining the Nova Data 1-3 files, you probably over ran that limit.

There is no way of getting around it, becayse these are system-level limitations.

Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander of the (url="http://"")68K Macintosh Liberation Army(/url)
18 68K Macintoshes Liberated
(url="http://"")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)

Just out of curiosity, WHY are you trying to do this? 🙂

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
"I expect you'd like to know about frogmen?"


Originally posted by Mazca:
**Just out of curiosity, WHY are you trying to do this?:)


Easier to cross-reference things, right now all I remember is misn is in Data 1, the rest I'll have to look through file by file. And I'm hoping that maybe, say a spob is referenced in the misn resource, that the name of the spob would be displayed next to its index number, if they are in the same file.

2727... looks to me like a random choice of number. Any insider info on where this particular limit came by?

Pan Sola

Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to

Don't know where the limit came from, but Apple apparently decided on this limitation well over a decade ago. If you did a search of the EV Dev. Forum, you would have run across a couple of threads talking about end of file errors (type -39). This one in particular mentions the 2727 limit. (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/001552.html(/url)

Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander of the (url="http://"")68K Macintosh Liberation Army(/url)
24 68K Macintoshes Liberated
(url="http://"")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)