City Ship Plug Idea

I had an idea for a plug in based on The City Ship shrt stories by James Blish.

For those who are not familiar with the work...

The Cities are from Earth. Based on the development of the Spin Dizzy drive whole cities took off for space to find work when no work was available on Earth any longer. In the galatic arena they are considured to be modern hobo's, working from one system to the next trying to earn money to get to the next system. The galatic police hound them and fine them or disband them at the slightest problem.

Interestingly it may work well within EV as a plug in.

Here is a down and dirty pic to show you a base idea of the ships...

Posted Image

If anyone is interested your welcome to the idea or I may be able to help in some way. Let me know what you think of the idea even if you think it sucks.



Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
If anyone is interested your welcome to the idea or I may be able to help in some way. Let me know what you think of the idea even if you think it sucks.


It's an interesting idea, but why only a half sphere? why not a full sphere?

"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson

That would be cool. It would be cool if there was an option to be able to dock on ships, so you be able to land in a city and do stuff, unless it's a steller object.


It can be a full Sphere really but the original idea by Blish was that the Spin Dizzy Drive was actually an inertialess drive able to lift an infinate amount of weight based on a sphere of energy put out by the drive. The upper levels over the city had an atmoshere so the outer limit of the drive engine showed as both a sheild effect but you can see the upper half better due to the atmoshere it holds in. The lower part of the sphere could actually show as a sparkling energy feild which I did not repressent in this quick pic.


I don't see why in certain mission strings a city could not become a stellar object. In fact you could have several city ships as space stations. Just a thought.

Also each city has it's very own industy that it is known for. For instance Pittsburgh was one of Blish's cities and we all know that Pittsburgh is known for being a Steel City. Instead of fighting the city trys to ply it's major trade to help gain it's fortune. However the city can defend itself. The police are constantly hounding the free cities trying to disband them by force.


Here is the quick model I used. It is a Lightwave Object. I don't use my old Mac much anymore so this is the best I can do for a modeling proggy at the moment. If someone wants to persue this idea I will gladly continue to develop it or you can just take what I have and run with it. Enjoy




Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
**It can be a full Sphere really but the original idea by Blish was that the Spin Dizzy Drive was actually an inertialess drive able to lift an infinate amount of weight based on a sphere of energy put out by the drive.

What an interesting idea. I suspect that if I had access to such tech, I'd be moving whole planets, though.


"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson

I like the idea. I really enjoyed reading the books.
Unfortunately I am working on something else at the moment.
But, If I can find time, I'd be willing to lend a hand.

As to moving whole planets. The way the spindizzys work, causes the larger objects to move fasted. In the book they do fly some planets, but they are very uncontrolable, due to the speed they are going.

"It's going to look pretty good, then, isn't it," said War testily, "The One Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse."
The Four Horsemen of the Apocralypse encounter unexpected difficulties.
Terry Pratchett, Sourcery

I'll try to figure out how to make a such as plug, but I'm not sure if it is possible to use ships as spöbs

Well I'll do it, if it's possible.
and if it is ok by you, of course 🙂


"To play ev nova or not to play ev nova, that is the question" - Shakespear

Seant, glad you enjoy the idea. I thought it might be different enough from the usual shot-em-up plugs to be worth a try. It would have to be very mission oriented to come off right though.

HomeWear, OK by me... I just posted an Idea...

What my thoughts were on using them as Spobs, was to actually have them as Spobs in some systems that appear if certain missions were completed. Then as the new missions at that spob/city ship was completed then to change the system back. Maybe a bit complex but interesting to build a story line around.

Galayon, you correct with the use of spin dizzys on a planet. However that could also pose an interesting story line.

For what it is worth maybe a team could be built to do the plug from the members here that want to lend a hand. I am sure it has been done before but I like the concept of teamwork. I run a team of mod developers for Racing Sims and I find that everyone has some great ideas. If you put enough of them together you end up with some spectacular results. Besides it is more fun to work together, and more challenging as well.

Storyline thoughts... The story could start in a system that is a ship graveyard. Your in a freighter, where you were the ships first mate, that has been attacked by pirates. You live through it but the crew is dead. You have to search through the disabled hulks to gather enough fuel to make planetfall in the next system. While your gathering stuff you also find some rockets and missels that help you in case of pirate attack before you get to the next system. However that becomes your salvation to be able to buy a small ship once you hit port. The ship your in is damaged beyond repair.

As you move through the game you start by escorting a small city to a few destinations and as your expertise is gain so does your respect with the city ships. Soon you get enough money to buy a small city of your own and become mayor. That is where the fun begins as you have all the challenge of making the decissions that will help or harm your city. Missions can contain challenges for you to complete in helping planets with technologies, trade, mining, steel work, terraforming, and defense.


(This message has been edited by Tiresmoke (edited 12-11-2002).)