PICT file size shrinkage question

I'm making a plugin for Nova that, when completed, will use the 8200-8203 PICT resources (Intro screens), and to make them, I'm heavily modifying the originals in "Nova Titles 1", in AppleWorks (don't laugh). I'm basically blacking out the text and lines in the background, putting my own there, as well as picture replacements in the boxes. Then I select all, copy, and select "New From Pasteboard" in Preview (It's a low-budget plugin). Then I export it as a PICT. The problem is that the new file is too big! The original 8200 PICT for example, was just over 500k btyes, according to the resource info, but my new one is almost 2.5M bytes. Is there any way to shrink this? The most advanced graphic editing app I have, BTW, is the equivalent of Photoshop 3 (PhotoDeluxe 2). I tried turning on compression in the Save dialog in Preview, and while it did shrink the file size in the Finder's Get Info, when copied into the PICT resource, it still shows as 2.5MB! Any suggestions? Thanks!

Human logic, though beguilingly simple, is seldom complete.

Behold the wonders of Ralph Sutherland's BlitZen. For landing picts, JPEG compression is your friend. When crisp outlines are essential, there's nothing better than PNG. Never compress at more that 16 bits / pixel, since Nova can't operate at higher color depths than that.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs