VOTE: New Developer's Corner forum badge

With reference to (url="http://"")this topic(/url) and (url="http://"")this topic(/url).

Nominations for the new Developer's Corner forum badge have now closed. I am now giving you the opportunity to vote for the badge you like best.

There follows a list of all the badges that were nominated.

Badge 1 (Coraxus's badge)
Posted Image

Badge 2 (CeRD's badge)
Posted Image

Badge 3 (Mantaray's 1st badge)
Posted Image

Badge 4 (Mantaray's 2nd badge)
Posted Image

Badge 5 (EVula's badge)
Posted Image

Badge 6 (UE Patriot's badge)
Posted Image

Badge 7 (mrxak's badge)
Posted Image

Badge 8 (Onyx's badge)
Posted Image

To vote, simply reply to this post with the number of the badge you wish to vote for, along with the name of the person who made the badge (for confirmation's sake.). Remember:there are no guarantees that the winning badge will be used - that is up to andrew.

Voting is open for a week, until approximately 6PM on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
There is no honour without pie
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I would like to vote for Badge 2, CeRD's badge. However, Badge 8 is very nice as well.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
There is no honour without pie
(url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://";=utilities&display;=date&file;=NovaTools.sit")NovaTools(/url) | (url="http://";=29&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Development FAQs(/url) | (url="http://"")Obligatory EVula Link(/url) |
(url="http://"")Plugin Recruitment list(/url) | (url="http://"")Plugin Beta-tester list(/url)

I vote for Badge 2 (CeRD's badge).

(url="http://"")iMac, Therefore, I am(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0, the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
(url="http://"")Star Trek : Frontiers ( An EVN Tc)(/url)
Somewhere out there life is bound to exist...

Hmmmm, very hard choice, these are all very nice badges. πŸ˜‰

Badge 4 (Mantaray's 2nd badge) πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„

I would like to vote for Sparkys badge but.... Never mind.

<edit>Due to the moderator getting a little miffed about the two badge voting, I would like to give my full vote to Badge 4. I think Mantaray is, uh, going to...</edit>

The Evil Spoonman
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

(This message has been edited by Evil_Spoonman (edited 10-16-2002).)

Well...if i get to i'll vote for:
badge 2 (my badge),
if that's not ok i vote for badge 3 (Mantaray's fisrt)


Cheer up...the worst is yet to come... | | (url="http://"")CeRDville(/url) | | (url="http://"")CeRDforums(/url)

(This message has been edited by CeRD (edited 10-15-2002).)

(This message has been edited by CeRD (edited 10-15-2002).)

Badge 4.

David Arthur
As Roosevelt said, there is nothing worse than the fear of fear. - (url="http://"")Jean ChrΓ©tien(/url)
(url="http://"") MissionComputer 1.4.0 is Now Available!
(url="http://"") The forums are back!

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 10-16-2002).)


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**First choice: Badge 4.
Second choice: Badge 8.


Badge 4

EDIT: Realizing that the one I nominated was not going to be voted, I'd rather give this one a full vote than a half.

Eww! Troll bogies!
Let the fun begin!

(This message has been edited by parrypmp (edited 10-16-2002).)

Badge 6 (my bade - the only one, to my knowledge, to utilize LASIK (look at the cube))
Badge 2 (CeRD's badge)

God bless,

UE Patriot

(url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=ReignOfTheUEv12.Bin")Reign of the UE(/url) | (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=PersonsOFTheEVOWebboardv2.Bin")Persons of the EVO Webboard(/url) | (url="http://"")My Website(/url) | Nex ad Bureau
Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto; sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Badge 4. (Mantaray's second badge.)


I would like to vote for Badge 3 (Mantaray's 1st badge)

(url="http://"http://http://")Regression - A upcoming total conversion plug for EVN in early development(/url)
(url="http://"")The Great Expansion - A upcoming total conversion plug for EVO in stasis(/url)

I vote for Badge 2 (CeRD's badge)

Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander of the (url="http://"")68K Macintosh Liberation Army(/url)
18 68K Macintoshes Liberated
(url="http://"")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)

Badge four.


Oh dear, I wasn't that serious about my submission. πŸ˜›

If it must change, I'd prefer it to be badge 4.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Tough competition shaping up between #2 and #4.

iVote for Badge #4 (Mantaray's 2nd badge)

"Life is no life to him that dares not die,
And death no death to him that dares not live."
-- Sir Henry Newbolt.

I vote badge four (Mantaray's 2nd)

Even I won't vote for #7 ;).

Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://"")mrxak's Assorted Webspace Forum(/url)
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(url="http://"")mrxak's Assorted Webspace(/url) | (url="http://";=TheChallenge102.sea.bin")The Challenge v1.0.2(/url) | (url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url)
I think, therefore I hmm...

I'm going to arrogantly vote for my 2nd badge (4), and then vote for Onyx's badge (8)


This space left intentionally blank.

Badge 8 and badge 2

I would like to say that the reason mine was off was because of a typo, 1 6 9 instead of 159 px, and could very easily have been made to be legible, so I think disqualification was unessesary, although I understand why you did it.

(url="http://"")Adventure Dog(/url): Everyone's favorite little black and white dog.
In a fight for peace, you must fight for equality, not revenge.

Badge 4 (Mantaray's 2nd badge)

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url) | (url="http://"") FFF (/url)
Momentum Team: Freelancer and Official Tester
The Ancients: There coming and nothing can stop them
The Nova Expansion: coming soon

Badge 1 (Coraxus's badge)

"An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind." -Gandhi
(url="http://"")Shameless Advertising(/url)

Badge 8.

Why are you all looking at me like that?
12000 posts as of 07.19.38, 1:23 PM (5:23 ASW time).