Developing a network-based EV-like game


I'm in the process of developing an Internet-based multi-player near-real-time space trading and combat game (from scratch). I just started - so I have a long way to go.

As with any large project - help is always useful. I'm especially interested in people who are interested in creating static graphics (images, worlds, etc.), and anyone interested in writing "missions" for this new game. I'm also interested in anyone who is interested in reviewing my technical design documents and providing useful feedback, or helping me implement my designs.

Please note - not to be rude, but please don't contact me unless you have the time to be a meaningful participant and are serious about it.

Thanks 🙂



What language are you programming it in? Will the game be 2D , 2.5D or 3D ?

(url="http://"")iMac, Therefore, I am(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0, the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
(url="http://"")Star Trek : Frontiers ( An EVN Tc)(/url)
Somewhere out there life is bound to exist...

There really isn't a difference between 2D and 2.5D, displaywise.

Will this be using the any of the EV universes, or one of its own?

Why are you all looking at me like that?
12000 posts as of 07.19.38, 1:23 PM (5:23 ASW time).

If you make the game, I'll buy it. 🙂 I've been killin' to have an MP game like EVN.

The Evil Spoonman
"Life is to important to be taken seriously."

You might want to check (url="http://"")this(/url) out.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Just as a warning, generally topics like this get moved to Just Games, or locked. As long as this stays as a recruitment-type topic for graphics and writing help, I am willing to overlook this. If it gets too much into the game itself, I'll move it to Just Games where it belongs.

(Edit: Meh, speeling.)

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Get Me a Quote! Email me with a good quote and I'll put it here! No charge! (Some restrictions may apply)

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 10-21-2002).)