Get PICT out of sprites

Is there any way to get the PICTs out of the sprites in the Resource files of EVN/a Plugin ?


Just copy the rlë8 and rlëD files in to seprate file and run that one trough DeRLE.

DeRLE can downloaded (url="http://"")Here(/url)

Hope this helps 🙂

All your base are belong to us - cats
Never give up , Never surrender --galaxy quest
(url="http://"")Iris Software(EVN:Plugin developers)(/url)
EVN : Invasion

And welcome to the boards ! 🙂

All your base are belong to us - cats
Never give up , Never surrender --galaxy quest
(url="http://"")Iris Software(EVN:Plugin developers)(/url)
EVN : Invasion

Thank you for the answer. The Prog is really useful.



The Prog works great. And if anybody is interested in a little tool, to get the single pictures out of the big pict with all the animation-parts in it, i can uploaded my small, self-programmed one somewhere.

