Hmmmm, I think I may have been proved wrong on several points here 
I think I shall take a closer look into HyperVoxels, I have read reviews on it, most said that it was slow with a shallow interface and good particle generation. That was 8 months ago, what version is it at now?
3DS Max is windows only, but it's a superb program, it's almost worth getting a Windows machine to run it, almost. I hope they come out with 3DS for Mac OS X sometime in the near future, although they probably won't.
Maya is still around $5,999, I belive, I think you can get it for $2,500 with an academic discount though, not sure. By all means, Lightwave is an amazing program, I've used it several times under OS X and been surprised each time by how powerful it is.
Youa are not mistaken, there is a kick-ars fire generator for 3DS Max. I actually don't know about Warcraft I and II, I do know that Warcraft II edition was done in 3DS Max and Warcraft III as well. As a side note, have you seen the Warcraft III Cinematics, "Impressive" would be an understatement. Starcraft and Brood War where done in 3DS Max as was Diablo II and Lord Of Destruction, I have no idea what they made Diablo I in, it never worked correctly on my computer and always looked washed out and wierd. Just for the record, Blizzard didn't say anything when I E-Mailed their Tech Support about it.
I took the time to look at more HyperVoxels work before I finised this reply and I do belive it is a very good thing to look into. Glad you could catch my mistakes 
The Evil Spoonman