EVN- Help me!

I just got EVN and its such an awesome game... I wanna make a plugin that replaces an uninhabited system somehwere with my own system and planet/s. Unfortunately, I have NO idea how to make plugins for this. I got NovaTools, but it's not really much help because, once again, I know Nothing... Can someone please help m by setting me in the right direction or giving me a link to something helpful for beginners?


get the bible and get resedit - the bible will tellyou everything you need to know to make plugins.

Start by looking at copies of your own data files in ResEdit so that you can get a feel for resedit/novatools.

- Chris

What ever doesn't kill
you makes you stronger -
or bitter


There are some good tuturials for beginning plug makers here, it should help you out.

What did I tell you about making those corny signatures??

Thanks mac man!!
Roninuta- I have resedit and i got the bible, but it doesnt tell me anything because all that stuff means nothing to me (as i dont have any expirience doing anything like this) Thanks anyway.



Originally posted by Nova-Lynx:
**Thanks mac man!!
Roninuta- I have resedit and i got the bible, but it doesnt tell me anything because all that stuff means nothing to me (as i dont have any expirience doing anything like this) Thanks anyway.


There are a number of good tutorials on the plug-in board. I was like you...it was a long time out in the desert before I got that "aha!" moment and began to understand what it was I was supposed to be doing.

One of the date palms (...okay, that metaphor stretched until it broke!), anyhow, of great help to me in starting out was the Guide to Using ResEdit in Making EV Plugs; (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/vftp/show.pl?product=evo&category;=guides&display;=date&file;=ResEdit Documentation.sit.hqx")http://www.AmbrosiaS...ntation.sit.hqx(/url)

"I know the stranger's name."