Want some feedback

Well, the TC I'm working on isn't nearly as impressive (to me, anyway) as Mantaray's, but it's coming along nicely enough that I'm starting to emerge from secrecy. Let me know what y'all think.

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

From a fellow Trekker : Very Impressive.
I cant wait for this one πŸ™‚

As a very big Star Trek fan (All series), its looking great .
Good work.
Have you got all the Miranda Class Variants ?? There are two that I know of.
You shoudl porbably try (url="http://"http://www.ditl.org")www.ditl.org(/url) for more ship information πŸ™‚

Live Long And Prosper

WARNING: Web Boards can be hazardous to your health.
Have Photoshop Will Travel- Me

Looks pretty good - even though I like (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mandrillen/PhotoAlbum1.html")Star Wars(/url) better! πŸ˜‰

Keep up the good work, you hippie-trekkie.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mandrillen/PhotoAlbum1.html")The answer to the question is, obviously, 42!(/url)
But, oh, what a wicked world it was that drove a man to sin.

I love the status bar. I could never figure out how to make that kind of art. There's a block there. I would suggest moving the Cargo intf and the Nav intf down about 5 pixels.

Very cool. Nice graphics.

(url="http://"http://www.webanimag.com/ayb/")All your smurf are belong to smurf!(/url) )( Generic (url="http://"http://ww.evula.com")EVula(/url) link )( { (url="http://"http://www20.brinkster.com/greenmonster/index.html")s p h e r e(/url) - soon to be complete!

Wasn't there already a Star Trek plug in development?

If so, you might want to find and team up with them. Despite which project's better, you're probably better off working togather than competing with each other.

Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
Wait a second...


Originally posted by gazza_2001:
**Have you got all the Miranda Class Variants ?? There are two that I know of.

As far as I can tell, there are three -- the Reliant, the Soyuz w/out the sensor pods or the torpedo rollbar, and the Soyuz with the sensor pods in place of the rollbar. I've got the first two.


**You shoudl porbably try www.ditl.org for more ship information:)

I checked it out, believe me -- and some of the info was useful, but much of it made no sense -- and the "stats" they provided for ships made for ships that handled very poorly, as well as generating very amusing and illogical AI behavior in the Nova engine. Had an instance where a Klingon ship didn't try to destroy a ship so much as mate with it...my reaction set my wife in hysterics that lasted a half-hour.

Actually, she still goes into hysterics when she thinks about it.


**Live long and prosper

Peace and long life.


Originally posted by Mantaray:
**I love the status bar. I could never figure out how to make that kind of art. There's a block there. I would suggest moving the Cargo intf and the Nav intf down about 5 pixels.

Thanks, and I agree with your suggestions and will impliment them. I'm also going to have to work on my targeting -- I don't want the words running into the graphics.


Originally posted by Denb:
**Looks pretty good - even though I like Star Wars better!;)

Keep up the good work, you hippie-trekkie.


Heh... actually, I'm one of those rare ducks who likes both equally, and since you and Admiral Benden are doing such a superlative job so far on your Plug (which I'm really looking forward to), I chose the other path.


Originally posted by 21st Century Digital Boy:
**Wasn't there already a Star Trek plug in development?

To my understanding, that project has died the death of a thousand yawns. I followed it very closely, and had offered to donate my map to it, but they were more concerned with the post-TNG era of the Dominion War, and I'm more of a Classic Era man (though this will incorporate the appropriate elements from the later series, as well as a few surprises).

For further interest, my progress log for this can be found at (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/forums/viewtopic.php?t=71")http://www.ev-nova.n...wtopic.php?t=71(/url).

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Ummmm, the word of the day is WOW! πŸ™‚

I love it, and can't wait until it is out.

It sort of reminds me of a program that I have but havn't played with in a while: Starship Creator. It of coarse was more of "build up the insides of your ship" .

Anyway, very impressive.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**To my understanding, that project has died the death of a thousand yawns. I followed it very closely, and had offered to donate my map to it, but they were more concerned with the post-TNG era of the Dominion War, and I'm more of a Classic Era man (though this will incorporate the appropriate elements from the later series, as well as a few surprises).

From your first screenshot, it shows both an Excelsior class as well as an Akira class. Daystrom lists the Akira's beam about twice that of the Excelsior. I know you used other sources, and ships cannot be exactly to scale (otherwise, those shuttles would be tiny πŸ™‚ )

I shouldn't be too critical about such things, but I am curious. I guess I am more interested on your sources.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

Ah, but that's not the Akira, which wouldn't be in the Kirk/Spock era that my TC takes place in...Look at it again and here's a hint: it's a derelict.

(edit) Fixed UBB code. (/edit)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

(This message has been edited by UncleTwitchy (edited 08-15-2002).)

great graphics! Nice use of the engine, from what I can tell.

Formerely Mac Emu (no, I'm not just putting this so I can say I've been here longer than you, that's only part of it).
Headline news: The Yoda Story "Addicted to drugs, I was"
evn: Invasion coming soon. Search for topic EVN: Invasion Plug for more info


Originally posted by gazza_2001:
**From a fellow Trekker : Very Impressive.
I cant wait for this one πŸ™‚

As a very big Star Trek fan (All series), its looking great .
Good work.
Have you got all the Miranda Class Variants ?? There are two that I know of.
You shoudl porbably try www.ditl.org for more ship information πŸ™‚

Live Long And Prosper

It's the AKIRAPRISE! I hope you're gonna use crΓΆns because it just looks strange to see Enterprise + TOS + Movie + DS9 era ships all on one screen (screenshot #1). I mean, you've got a TOS cargo hauler, the Saratoga from DS9, the movie Enterprise and the Excelsior, and, as I've said before, the Akiraprise. If you want some good source material, check out (url="http://"http://www.ex-astris-scientia.org")Ex Astris Scientia(/url). They have lots of studio model photos and screengrabs (not to mention the whole list of those kitbashed models from DS9).

Very very nice. Love Star Trek and can't wait to see this one when it comes out.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**It's the AKIRAPRISE! I hope you're gonna use crΓΆns because it just looks strange to see Enterprise + TOS + Movie + DS9 era ships all on one screen (screenshot #1). I mean, you've got a TOS cargo hauler, the Saratoga from DS9, the movie Enterprise and the Excelsior, and, as I've said before, the Akiraprise.

Sure do, li'l pal, sure do. The intent is to cover the years 2263-2294 -- the Kirk/Spock era, and introduce those ships as they appear chonologically.


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**If you want some good source material, check out Ex Astris Scientia. They have lots of studio model photos and screengrabs (not to mention the whole list of those kitbashed models from DS9).

That's been one of my biggest sources for ship info other than the Okuda Encyclopedias and Chronologies. I disagree with a lot of their speculations, but most of them I agree with spot on.

I'm trying to make this as close to canon as I can, but my... well, Prime Directive, if you will... has been to emulate the feel of the Star Trek universe as much as I can where the facts are contradictory or just plain not there (what the hell does a Gorn ship look like, for instance). That's why I have some of those DS9 kitbashes which look like they're from the movie era... because they look like they're from the movie era (so I have the Shelly/Curry class freighter and the Centaur class...scout?).

Oh, and the Akiraprise is a museum ship which is mďsn-based storyline specific. I have a similar instance with a Daedalus-class and something from...well, let's just say it's not Star Trek without at least one occurance of time travel, now, is it?

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

The PC game SFC (Star Fleet Command) has Gorn ships in it, you should try and find some screen pics

Do not call me a newb or say welcome. Ive been around for over a year and am just to fogetful to remember to regester.

"It's going to look pretty good, then, isn't it," said War testily, "The One Horseman and Three Pedestrians of the Apocralypse."
The Four Horsemen of the Apocralypse encounter unexpected difficulties.


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**Ah, but that's not the Akira, which wouldn't be in the Kirk/Spock era that my TC takes place in...Look at it again and here's a hint: it's a derelict.

(edit) Fixed UBB code. (/edit)**

I take it you don't like the current show on TV? πŸ™‚

Yea, I forgot about the location of the nacelles.

Does size matter? πŸ˜›

In the first episode, the Klingons refered to it as a "puny" ship, yet it is about the same size as the Miranda/Soyuz class and the crew complement of the AP was about 80 I think. Not to be picky, but you might want to have the ship a little smaller.

But I suppose I am being way to picky; ship size isn't that important in 'Nova, and shouldn't be in any of the TC's.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

Granted, but I've checked...the saucer diameter is supposed to be comparable with the saucers of the classic Constitution primary hulls, just fewer decks. Makes no sense to me, either, but it does make the bridge modules come out to be about right.

But I do need to re-render it, so I'll probably render it smaller anyway.

And actually, I like the show -- when I don't think about it fitting in with continuity and assume that everything is screwed up because of this silly Temporal Cold War subplot, and ignore the fact that the Vulcans are behaving more like Romulans, lying and sneaking and warring with the Andorians, and that Berman and Braga made Qo'noS four days away from Earth at Warp 4, which would put it in the Alpha Centauri system, and that "Rigel" is a star inbetween Qo'Nos and Sol, even though the star we call Rigel is way too far away from Earth for the NX-100 to reach at Warp 5, or the fact that if the first furtive contacts with the Ferengi prior to the "Official First Contact" (in "Last Outpost" even though Picard had heard of them and mentioned them in "Encounter at Farpoint") should place them far enough away from Earth that there's no way a stray, tiny Ferengi pirate vessel could even get close to human-explored space two hundred years earlier, and...

...and it's about this time that my wife tells me to just shut up and watch the show.

But the reason the NX class ship is a derelict is for a specific series of mďsns I have planned. After all, it's hard to believe any of these would be in legitimate service a hundred years after they were first commissioned, when the Daedalus class which followed them were decommissioned fifty years before Kirk and Spock's era, and...

Man, I'm pathetic sometimes.

(edit) Almost forgot -- thanks for the Gorn idea, Galayon -- I hadn't thought of that, and I like the gist of their designs on those. (/edit)

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

(This message has been edited by UncleTwitchy (edited 08-15-2002).)

I'm not going to ask questions about your plot and such. That's rude. It's like using a walk-through to play some game.

I never got to see the Ferengi episode, so I don't know the facts. But from what I heard they were never actually told that these pirates were Ferengi. The Vulcan/Romulans may have kept the info from the Federation. That would make what Picard and Riker said, the truth. They simply didn't know they had met them. πŸ™‚ I know, it's lame, but they did roughly the same thing with the Borg (Some scientist I think knew about them many years earlier, but due to an accounting error it was never brought up)

My favorite screw up is that Quo'Nos is closer to Sol than Alpha Centauri(our closest star). And all they had to do was not mention how fast their ship took to get to Jupiter(?).

Ok, so the show is full of inconsistancies. It has nothing to do with your TC, so I will drop it. πŸ™‚

My favorite ship is the Excelsior.

One last thing. Shouldn't the Shelley class ship (screencap 4) have a smaller secondary hull? I know it is supposed to be swappable, but it seems to stick out a lot.

Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
--John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

Questions and suggestions about the plot are welcome at this point, as nothing has been finalized. I'm all for suggestions and input and will give credit where it's due, so don't worry on that score.

My problem with the Ferengi in "Enterprise" isn't so much the fact that they met as it is that they were even in the area to meet to begin with. It's a question of Berman/Braga's lack of sense of distance and scale. Indulge me, if you will, my reasons:

In the Writer's Guide to TNG, David Gerrold -- er, I mean, "Gene Roddenberry" -- wrote that in TOS, 5% of the galaxy had been explored by Starfleet. By the time of "Encounter at Farpoint," that number had increased to 19%. Up until that point, the Ferengi had only been mentioned in rumors and a few (disasterous) furtive encounters with their ships. This implies that Ferengi space is on the outer edge of that 19% explored space, not reached by TNG era ships until well into the second season or so. I'm not necessarily assuming Earth is in the exact center of this region, as exploration could have concentrated mostly on what could be explored of the Beta Quadrant (Romulans and Klingons notwithstanding), "southward" towards Rigel, and so on. Deneb, despite several mentions as well-colonized in TOS, being far "westward," is considered in "Encounter at Farpoint" to be the farthest in that direction explored (Picard makes mention of "the edge of explored space" and "the great unexplored mass of the Galaxy" in the pilot).

Maps shown in DS9 place Cardassian/Bajoran/Ferengi space closer, about 200 LY from Earth, which, again, was totally inconsistent from their original concept that DS9 would be on the far edge of Federation space. Oh well.

Anyway, it stands to reason that if Starfleet had explored only 5% of the Galaxy by TOS, then in "Enterprise," where the ships are much, much slower and have a much more limited range, that perhaps only 1% -- centered around and near Earth -- will be explored fully enough to be considered "in the neighborhood."

(This, by the way, is consistent with TOS -- in "Balance of Terror," they mentioned a skermish against the Romulans in the Tau Ceti system, which is only slightly more than 10 LY from Earth, which puts the Romulans right in our backyard...but there's also evidence in that episode that the Romulans didn't have high warpspeed capability until after their "alliance" with the Klingons two years later.)

Now, we're talking galactic distances here. So, for a small Ferengi vessel (it was smaller than the NX-100 in the episode) to just stumble its way into the Enterprise flightpath is so unlikely because of the distances involved that it logically renders the whole "Oh, they never actually said who they were" arguement moot -- They shouldn't have been there in the first place because it would be too far for them to travel.

Okay, that's the end of that rant.

The Qo'noS thing could have been solved by saying it would take four weeks at Warp 4 rather than four days. Again, Breman/Braga have no concept of the distances between stars. They're television producers, not science fiction writers or scientists.

So I'm trying to add what elements from "Enterprise" I agree with -- star systems, ships, etc. -- and am ignoring the rest. At this point, I think there will be more elements from the Animated series than from "Enterprise."

I'm fond of the Excelsior, too. The engine glow is really funky and cool.

As for the Shelley (or, as some call it, the Curry), it's rather deceptive. It's such an odd design. I'm satisfied with it for now. (By the way, I was unable to find a decent Excelsior mesh to use, so my Excelsior is actually a reconstruction using elements from the Shelley and Leavenworth models -- the latter is a homebrew from the same guy who made the Shelley model. So in an odd way, it's backwards from the actual filmed models...)

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

L'il pal? I'm an adult, dude.


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
Granted, but I've checked...the saucer diameter is supposed to be comparable with the saucers of the classic Constitution primary hulls, just fewer decks. Makes no sense to me, either, but it does make the bridge modules come out to be about right.

I guess the reason why the NX-01 has so few people onboard is because they don't have a huge engineering section to move all the bulky stuff into.



But I do need to re-render it, so I'll probably render it smaller anyway.



Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**L'il pal? I'm an adult, dude.

I know...it was whimsically intended.


Not too much smaller. Make it kinda copper colored (I don't know why they chose that color scheme, but whatever).

Good thought. All my other "historical" ship models (the Daedalus, the DY-100) are copper colored.


**They're changing so much established Star Trek history with this show that it's almost absurd. I like it, but it's hard to place it in the timeline (especially since the NX-01 looks so much more advanced than the NCC-1701).

Agreed. I like to think "Enterprise" looks like what Roddenberry would've liked the original series to look had the technology and budget allowed it.


I actually thought that the Daedalus class ship looked kinda neat, and I was wondering why they just didn't use that type ship. In (TNG) "Power Play" they had apparently gotten pretty far with that ship.

It's rather funny, really, but the star system mentioned in "Power Play," Cor Caroli, is only a little over 100 LY from Sol. But they did get pretty far...Sigma Iotia (visited by the theoretically Daedalus-class U.S.S. Horizon) is quite a distance away.


In any rate, I can't wait until your plug (and Star Trek: Nemesis) comes out.

Ditto for both, though I can pretty much guarantee the latter will be appearing before the former. I've got a lot of work to do still.

(edit) Fixed some UBB screw-ups. (/edit)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

(This message has been edited by UncleTwitchy (edited 08-19-2002).)


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
Good thought. All my other "historical" ship models (the Daedalus, the DY-100) are copper colored.

The "problem" with that is that the Daedalus is already established to have a standard mid-twentythird century color scheme (similar to NCC-1701). The DY-100 is white (or like greenish if you want to go by how it ended up looking in the original series).


Agreed. I like to think "Enterprise" looks like what Roddenberry would've liked the original series to look had the technology and budget allowed it.

Actually, it is what Gene Roddenbury wanted, except that original look is now considered kinda retro. I still think that it should have been (either) a new updated Daedalus class (so it doesn't look totally retro, add: hull plates, more detail, etc), or some cross between the Phoenix and the Daedalus. They're going to have to come out with that at some point in the series because isn't the Romulan-Earth war supposed to be around that time?



"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."