How to make graphics for evo?

I'm making a plug for evo and i want to make graphics for it, but i do'nt know how.
Is there a good graphic program or something?
I'm using res-edit and ev-edit for my plug.

What kind of graphics are you needing to make? You'll most likely want a 3D modeling program for ships and outfit pics; for planetscapes, Bryce is recommended. Having a paint program is a necessity for touching things up and creating masks -- if you can't afford Photoshop, there are others available. It also wouldn't hurt to pick up some of the utilities from W00tware that can be used to turn movies into sprites, etc. A simple but specific search in this forum will provide you with links and other (lengthy) replies to topics such as yours.

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

I just wanna make graphics for ships in evo,no 3-d graphics.
I've photoshop can i use it to make those graphics?


Originally posted by PLugmaker:
I just wanna make graphics for ships in evo,no 3-d graphics.
I've photoshop can i use it to make those graphics?

It is possible, I myself was planning to do a 2-D animation TC for EVO. You can try Macromedia Flash 5 for animations. They have a 30-day trial Flash 5 free download at their website.

I wonder if this is the kind of thing you were looking for.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus


Originally posted by PLugmaker:
I'm using res-edit and ev-edit for my plug.

Just a warning: EV-Edit is a horribly buggy program. Many developers have lost entire plugins because EV-Edit corrupted them. I recommend using only ResEdit; if you must use EV-Edit, be sure to keep a lot of backup copies of your plug!



Originally posted by Mahayana:
**Just a warning: EV-Edit is a horribly buggy program. Many developers have lost entire plugins because EV-Edit corrupted them. I recommend using only ResEdit; if you must use EV-Edit, be sure to keep a lot of backup copies of your plug!


I only use ev-edit cuz it's so simple, res-edit is good but its hard to use.


Originally posted by PLugmaker:
I only use ev-edit cuz it's so simple, res-edit is good but its hard to use.

There are other programs out there that allow easy creation of plug-ins. EV-Edit makes your projects self-destruct. (It is possible, however, to avoid its booby-traps if you know where they are and how they get set off--if you need to use EV-Edit, read up on this information.)


Originally posted by NTiOzymandias:
There are other programs out there that allow easy creation of plug-ins. EV-Edit makes your projects self-destruct. (It is possible, however, to avoid its booby-traps if you know where they are and how they get set off--if you need to use EV-Edit, read up on this information.)

Well i've tryd mission-computer but i can't open it, further i've used shipwrite it workt but only ships.
I've also used ev-god but the stellars and system option dident work


Originally posted by PLugmaker:
I only use ev-edit cuz it's so simple, res-edit is good but its hard to use.

That's fine, just be careful and make sure you keep a lot of backup copies if you use EV-Edit.
