Fighter bay help?

A fairly quick problem I cant seem to figure out..

I created a Fighter and a Fighter bay for them got eberything to work except one thing.. they launch, attack and move just fine.. but wont Re-dock.. when I give them the command all they do is fly circles around me trying..

what am I missing?

"Well, I've been thinking. How'd you like to steal $750
million worth of illegal equipment from a GENOM subsidiary and put it
to a use that will benefit society?"
Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 4

I think if you give it more mass, it is easier for them to dock... just speculation. BTW, how much mass does it use?

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The Fighters? or the Bay?

the fighters are tiny.. since they are drones they are only like 5 tons each.. the bay itself is only 20 tons in its current incarnation..

"Well, I've been thinking. How'd you like to steal $750
million worth of illegal equipment from a GENOM subsidiary and put it
to a use that will benefit society?"
Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 4


Originally posted by KagatoAC:
**The Fighters? or the Bay?

the fighters are tiny.. since they are drones they are only like 5 tons each.. the bay itself is only 20 tons in its current incarnation..


Are you able to fly over them and making them dock? Cause if you are, I think the problem lies within the capabilities of the ship. It has a too low acceleration compared to it's max speed. I've seen this with AI ships trying to land at a planet but keep flying in and out of it, in an attempt to stop.

The answer to the question is, obviously, 42!

Well the Ship in this case is a souped up Polaris Dragon "Ni'ikimas" version.. so its got plenty of acceleration and thrust.. I've tried moving away from them and giving the command again.. but they continue to do the same thing.. as soon as they close with me they start flying bizarre little figure "8's"

I've got a Manta bay on it and the Mantas work fine.. (Yes this is a cheated ship) Im using a plug that gives most outfits no mass)

"Well, I've been thinking. How'd you like to steal $750
million worth of illegal equipment from a GENOM subsidiary and put it
to a use that will benefit society?"
Gryphon, Hopelessly Lost Vol. 4

Darn, and I thought you were talking about EVO.

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

Problem solved. It was a rel8/rled thing. I think the ones for the drone were being used by something else as well, so the bay though that that something else was what it was supposed to be storing. Similar to the fighter variant problem where they share the same rle8/rled resources.

Oh and circling fighters are a clear indication that they don't think a bay exists, it would appear. If they think it does, they slow down for the approach and go straight in.