Looking for experienced outfitter/ship creator

I am making a plug-in for EVN and am having huge trouble trying to create the above, ie outfits, weapons, ships. I have about 50 new outfit pictures so you wont have to keep using EVN which gets a bit boring after a while. If someone wants to create them for me and I will do the story then email me. Or if you want to chat about the plug-in first put me on your hotmail messenger list and we'll chat. I think it could be special (lol, don't we all) I created intro movie and changed most of EVNs graphics to spice things up.


As long as you are able to provide me with the Picts, and Shans. I will be able to create these fairly fast with the given provided. Contact me at


I would like to help you out. I submitted a plugin of mine to the Add ons page, I dont know if it has been posted yet. On this plugin, called Clodfelter System, there are new outfits, weapons, ships, government, system, and planets.


Mike Clodfelter (Mike
Be sure to stop at the
wonderful world of Clod 1.