Why can't I...

...download any plugs. I clicked on a plug and it was loading to the next page and then it just quit loading to the download site. I've tried a few others, but the same thing happened. Is it just me with these problems? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.

"I see," says the blind man while pissing into the wind, "it's all coming back to me now."
-Ultimate Rebel


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**...download any plugs. I clicked on a plug and it was loading to the next page and then it just quit loading to the download site. I've tried a few others, but the same thing happened. Is it just me with these problems? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.


What browser do you use (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape)? Try holding down Command while clicking the download-link, this helps sometimes.

The answer to the question is, obviously, 42!

thanks for the tip! i'll try that. 😄

"I see," says the blind man while pissing into the wind, "it's all coming back to me now."
-Ultimate Rebel

Depending on the site, many problems like this or similar will arise. But yeah- I never use command, but option click also forces a download.

Lequis Design