Missile Counter Measures (EVN)

Is there a way to create flares or chaff that will attract missiles already in flight away from the player?

"And Saint Atila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, 'Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy."

No this feature has been removed from the EVN engine, however, you can create a chaff cannon (point defense of course) using submunitions that can achieve a very cool effect.

"Life is tough, but it's even tougher when you're stupid."
-John Wayne

Only using a rather interesting PD weapon.

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net

Why was it removed?

The Catholic faith: Making Puritans look like the Free Love movement since 33 AD
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/spl_cadet/")Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization:(/url) Up and running well!


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Why was it removed?

I believe it was removed because Matt considered it outdated by the new PD function.

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"mailto:power64@optonline.net")mailto:power64@optonline.net(/url)power64@optonline.net


Originally posted by General Rak:
I believe it was removed because Matt considered it outdated by the new PD function.

Actually, it was removed because Matt wanted to confuse spl_cadet.

NTi Ozymandias of the Red Shadow Organization


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Why was it removed?


Also the original system never worked that well, EV, EVO lacked the ability to 'launch' the decoy, they could only 'drop' it. This frequently preevnted any but the fastest of ship from using it effectively. Usually by the time the player could afford a decoy system, they were using a ship to big/slow to use it.
Look for the closest possible thing to a chaft system in my upcomming plug; "The Nova Expansion Project"


Despite the high cost of living, It remains popular.


Originally posted by NTiOzymandias:
**Actually, it was removed because Matt wanted to confuse spl_cadet.


I knew it! 😛

The Catholic faith: Making Puritans look like the Free Love movement since 33 AD
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/spl_cadet/")Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization:(/url) Up and running well!