40k/BFG/Rogue Trader Plug-in

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in working on a plug-in set in the Warhammer 40k Universe, generally referencing fluff and feel from the 1st 'rogue trader' edition of the game. I've been hacking away at it for about a week now, mainly as an exercise to learn the differences between EV:N and EV:O plug-in architecture, but I think it'd be cool if I could expand this to be a real full-blooded TC. I'd appreciate any help really.

I'm primarily focusing on the unexplored "Eastern Fringe", giving the player the opportunity to roam as a Rogue Trader and explore. I've also done a few cool things to better reflect the volatile nature of the warp and such...

Getting back to the main topic of this post: I'd love any help I can get on this project... buuut I would especially appreciate someone who can do ship graphics. I can do everything else, including sound and music, but I'm no 3d artist.

So uh yah, HELP ME PLZ K???!? 😧


Oh wow . . . !!

I would love to work on a WH40K plug . . . god knows how many hours I wasted painting those damn little figures when I was a kid . . . but alas . . .

I'm already working on a fairly ambitious project that isn't really moving along much at this point . . . (see link below)

How much were you thinking about doing?

I might be able to squeeze out a ship or two(graphics) if I ever get the time . . .

oh BTW - there would have to be Eldar in the plug for me to even consider helping . . . 😉


(This message has been edited by uthuan (edited 07-11-2002).)

I got alot of ship graphics some mine some not.


I'd love to work on a 40K plug. I couldn't do graphics, however I can write mission strings, storylines etc , and i can do concept artwork. Also planet descriptions etc.
The eastern fringe sounds good. However how much of the universe would you do as the Imperium is meant to be about one MILLIOn worlds?

I'd like to help if you need it.

---Burning cow---

We found Osama Bin Laden, in little old England. Go to:
Pictures and beer by bEER mOnkey

a BFG plug sounds cool... I've sorta already been working on a warhammer/bfg-ish plug for a while too... :)... I've got all the govts done... sorta got a different jamming system set up... starting landscape graphics... ship graphics are still a problem too (everyone seems to have this problem 🙂 ) I've got a map drawn up on paper for systems and whatnot too... including tau space... hive fleet advancements and whatnot... not put in the computer yet though... Ive been trying to collect all the BFG magazines also.. yeah.. i think theres about 90 or so govts in there (all the space marine chapters, imp guard legions, chaos legions, ork clanz, adeptus mechanicus, tau, tyranids, etc...) I've got a friend who plays BFG also.. I've kinda got some mission ideas too.. set it about 100 years after the first battle for armageddon (when the world eater's primarch was killed, er.. banished to the warp for a hundred years since he's a daemon prince).. and do a few things involving that... I'm sorta planning to have a char for most govts, 'cept thered be a general imperium one, chaos one in general, one for the marine chapters (too difficult to have people 'join' them midgame), etc... Heh.. i've been hesitant to post this here for a while though... dont know why.. guess i'm not too well known on this board. I'm able to use army builder under virtual pc (yes.. i bought it)... so theres a complete list of ships there.. cept no tau obviously. Pretty much all my friends play 40k also... each a different army (chaos, ig, space wolves, genestealers, tyranids, tau, and necrons)... anyways.. just dont wanna let all my work go to waste... ( I hope to get that map drawn in photoshop or actually add all the systs sometime soon though)

Close the World, tXen eht
nepO. -Lain
Hi no naka ni neko ga
imasu! -Me

Oh wow, cool, interest! 😄

To be perfectly honest, right now the plug-in is very much in its infancy. Like I said, I made this to learn to EV:N plug-in architecture, so its kind of haphazard; everything is subject to change, especially the ship graphics which are just cobbled togethor from various shipyards. I also only have three "real" systems created, with about 9 or 10 spobs between them.

Foof, it sounds like you've got alot done, so it might be worthwhile to just scrap my beginnings and help you with yours, or something. I'll explain the gist of my plug-in:

The plugin is set near the border of the Eastern Fringe. The Eastern Fringe is largely unexplored and very much the Great Frontier of the 40k universe. It's a great place to set the plugin, because it's ripe with unexplored territory and potential, but also happens to be very close to the Iyanden craftworld and Ultramar, allowing the incorporation of some familiar elements. It's also fairly close to the Tau Empire, if you're so inclined to include them.

The basic 'storyline': Player's father was one of the few remaining free ship captains; he was not incorporated into the Imperial Navy, and was not required to ply specific routes, but was free to travel the galaxy. After he dies (of unspecified causes, although it could be incorporated into a story arc) the ship and position our passed onto his only (adopted? Or is that too cliche?) son... and from thence the game opens.

Some game mechanics and ideas:

  • Warpspace - Every inhabited system is bordered by empty "warpspace" systems, with a space tint thats kind of purplish/pinkish. These warpspace systems would ostensibly have various dangers like warp storms, chaos ships, d(a)emon attacks, and so on. The player would have only enough fuel for a single jump, and would have to use fuel recharging to get back to 100 fuel to jump out. This means that the player would have to spend some time in each system, meaning he couldn't just casually ignore threats.

  • Special Crew Outfits - As the player travels through the universe, he can pick up special crew outfits from missions and such. For example, one might have a gifted navigator outfit, who allows the player to make longer distance jumps ala that Polaris multi-jump upgrade. Or a Squat Engineer who gives the player afterburner capabilities and faster fuel regen. Or an alien mercenary band who act as marines. And on and on...

  • The Eldar - one can do tons of cool stuff with the Eldar. For example, the Webway can easily be represented through Hypergates, if one becomes allies with them. Eldar holo-fields could be represented through limited cloaking devices and superb jamming.

And so on. The 40k universe is a huge one. At the very least, I look forward to implementing crazy Ork Freebooterz in their natural environment. 😄

That's actually almost the biggest problem though, it's almost TOO big. I mean there's no way you could do the millions of planets the Imperium is supposed to be composed of... thats why I thought focusing on the Eastern Fringe would be the best idea.

So... whatchu guys think? I'm grinning evilly at the prospect of seeing those ship graphics. 😄 I personally, like I said, welcome any help as long as you know the background. And all of these ideas are mutable at this point.

I found an uber cool website with a rudimentary map of the 40k universe, with special planets noted and described in a little index. I'll dig it up and post it later.



hehe wow... yeah.. I was planning something a little bit bigger, allowing for even more variety in plot. A kind of everyone plugin, storylines for all the major races, including a rogue-trader storyline. Because of the difficulty in 'joining' some races I was thinking having a different char resource for a few of the government, say a general imperium one, chaos one, tyranid one (i have a few friends who are begging me to make the tyranids somehow playable), tau one, eldar, dark eldar, ork, necron, space marine, sisters of battle, assassin, heh and maybe even a genestealer cult one (that would be kinda fun... i have a little idea on how to set up space hulks and whatnot too, you board them thinkingo they're safe, find some 'survivors' who slowly over time drain stuff from your ship (similar to the way they did the krypt-mind attacks with 1.0.1)
For the armies that have multiple chapters, legions, etc... you could start off as a basic guardsman, marine, person or whatnot.. and depending on your choices either 'change'/get transfered to another chapter/legion (though for space marines i'm starting to think a different char for each might make more sense) and follow the different storylines out , ie... for imp guard, vahallans, cadians, catachans, mordians, etc.. and for space marines, blood angels, ultramarines, space wolves, dark angels, salamanders, imperial fists, black templar, etc... for chaos, somehow get into the different cults or legions... world eaters, thousand sons, death guard, emperors children, alpha legion, word bearers, black legion, iron warriors, etc.. and i guess that could also apply to assassins (even though the culexus assassins are er... a void to psykers.. not just a minor presence as an everyday non-psyker.. just a void... you could have the player follow through on a different assassin one depending on your luck or knowhow (so if you became another type fo assassin you ARENT a non-psychic at all... kinda like how the vell-os one, you arent if you dont follow through on that one...) ).

I'm still thinking of an overall plot to apply to the WHOLE thing, to at least somehow tie them all together. We could still do that eastern fringe plot, say if you chose the trader/rogue trader char... and somehow link it to the rest of the plotline too, maybe have a few openings into some of the other plotlines (say you get influened by chaos, infected by genestealers, drafted by the imperial navy, etc...). I was thinking along the lines of a really major battle, i added a new hive fleet in (jormugand, keeping along the lines of mythical monster names), a few 'extra' legions for other races, so we can have them wiped out somehow for extra plot (so we're not wiping out a REAL legion/hive fleet, etc...)

For plot though.. i'm still kind of working on that, maybe involve the time at least 100 years after the first battle for armageddon (where the daemon prince form of angron, the primarch of the world eaters was slain and banished to the warp for 100 years), and involve something with him coming back too. But i still dont know exactly what year the main storyline is goin on in... So far all i have is at least 40999, because in the tyranid codex, the latest date mentioned is a battle with hive fleet leviathan in 999.M41 so i assume to start it somewhere at least in the 42nd millenium....

er... anyway i need to get going now... email me at smeglister@earthlink.net if you want to get in contact with me

Close the World, tXen eht
nepO. -Lain
Hi no naka ni neko ga
imasu! -Me

Borb, what's your e-mail? E-mail me at periodiciii@youeatpoopy.com.

