Guinea pig required

Anyone who is working on a Nova plug, can i just get you to test a graphic I made, cos I'm not sure .pct files will work. Tis only a planet landing graphic.

If you wanna test it for me, just e-mail me

Greetings from the 52nd state

(This message has been edited by Arazon (edited 07-12-2002).)

Why don't you test it yourself? Just set the pict id to replace the landing pict of a major planet, like Earth, or something. Seriously, it wouldn't take 2 minutes to do it yourself.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Graphics in Nova are not external files, such as your ".pct" image. Rather, they are included in the resource fork of the plugin itself. To accomplish this:

Copy your image to the clipboard
Open your plugin in ResEdit
Paste the contents of your clipboard into the file. Your image will appear as a PICT resource.
Get Info on the PICT resource corresponding to your landing image and change its ID to an appropriate value.