Landing gfx sizes

I think i remember seeing the sizes for the landing graphics somewhere, but i cant find em. So can anyone tell me the EV size, and EVN size please

Terminal Corruption: A Nova TC - (url="http://"")click here(/url) to visit

In pixels, horizontal by vertical

EV and EVO: 333 x 271

EVN: 612 x 285


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

thank ya very much

Greetings from the 52nd state

Is the .pix format ok for plugs?

Greetings from the 52nd state

Landing pictures get pasted into the plug-in as PICT resources using ResEdit, so it doesn't matter what format you originally do them in, as long as you have some program that can open them and copy them into the clipboard.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
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Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Landing pictures get pasted into the plug-in as PICT resources using ResEdit, so it doesn't matter what format you originally do them in, as long as you have some program that can open them and copy them into the clipboard.


For EV/EVO need to be 8-bit color depth. I've found using Apple System Colors works fairly well -- and diffusion dither is a necessary evil.

Graphic Converter -- (url="http://"") -- is very useful for changing color depths and other batch conversions.

BTW -- in EVO, changing the size of the landing graphic is a simple matter of editing the DITL.

"I know the stranger's name."