Saaci Plank's World of the Wraith: problems

Ok, here's the scoop. Saaci's update to his Wraith story did not fix the 3rd Polaris raid. I looked in the misn file and noticed that a couple of the test bits were three digit numbers (b848 & b311, I think) So, I looked at the success bits etc, and added a zero to the test bits. (b)POOF!!(/p) now it works.

Basically I did not know what I was doing, but I got my missions for a bit (no pun)
Now I am at a point where I am supposed to get a new mission to Krypt space (I think not using the iBook at the moment)

Anyway, I have the correct 4 digit misn bits, in my pilot file, but I am not getting the mission. I've tried reading the Nova bible, but I have not found an answer.

Are these Test bits supposed to refer to something else created for the plugin?

I am rather new at this. I've created a plugin to make an Argosy a better ship, But as far as stories and such, I am clueless. I have tried emailing Saaci(?) and have not gotten a reply. (though I have not emailed him involving this specific issue)

I'd like to hope that figuring this out and finishing World of the Wraith will help me in making my small story plugin.

Only when space is rolled up like a piece of leather
will there be an end to suffering,
apart from knowing God.
--Svetasvatara Upanisad, VI 20