Help Please

I have been trying to create a new ship for some time now. However, whenever I try to save, I get an error message of "4 characters expected for Type name". The first time this happened, I asked for help on the EVN board, and was told to reinstall NovaTools. I did so. This still continues to happen! Any suggestions?


"Hey, if it worked for Captain Kirk, it'll work for me..." -<last words of Rinc Seaver>  
"And if x is equal to 9a+c, then just how the hell DO you get to Sesame Street anyway?"   

Try having the name longer than 4 characters. Thats what the error message sayes anyways....

Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease
I beat the ENTIRE Federation mission string in a Stock Civi Viper
(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)| (url="http://"")The SSF(/url) | (url="http://"")

Are you creating a new ship resource? In ResEdit, all resources must be 4 characters long. In other words, the name of the resource is 4 characters. For instance, PICT, one type of resource, is 4 characters. DITL, another type, is also 4 characters long. I'm not sure the exact name of ship resources in Nova, but it should be 4 characters long. Maybe that is your problem.

Kalos: IRC alter-ego.