Starmap error

When I maked the starmap for my EVN-StarCraft tc I tried to use the same sŘst and spšb ids as the original game engine had, in order to replace those. Unfortunalty I stubbled on a bug (or error), here is what it says when I try to start EVN with the plug in and a normal EVN pilot; Sorry a fatal error occured. (corrupted pilot file or missing scenario data) . Ive also replaced the original EVN chŠr with another chŠr.
Could this be the reason why it crashes?

Also how do I designate which d‘sc should be used by a certain spšb , sh•p etc? I couldnt find any box in which to fill in that id number.

And at last how do I do to get rid of the original EVN systems, Ive tried to replace them but that doesnt seem to work and they still have hyperlinks to the original EVN systems.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....


Originally posted by Evil_Shadow:
**:When I maked the starmap for my EVN-StarCraft tc I tried to use the same sŘst and sps <caron>b ids as the original game engine had, in order to replace those. Unfortunalty I stubbled on a bug (or error), here is what it says when I try to start EVN with the plug in and a normal EVN pilot; Sorry a fatal error occured. (corrupted pilot file or missing scenario data) . Ive also replaced the original EVN chS<caron>r with another chS<caron>r.
Could this be the reason why it crashes?

Also how do I designate which d‘sc should be used by a certain sps<caron>b , sh•p etc? I couldnt find any box in which to fill in that id number.

And at last how do I do to get rid of the original EVN systems, Ive tried to replace them but that doesnt seem to work and they still have hyperlinks to the original EVN systems.**

As for the error, it is definitely a plug error. I have these myself quite often. I think your pilot is somewhere that now dosen't exist, but I have not tracked it down yet. I don't think chärs have anything to do with it.

The dësc's ID matches the ID of whatever it describes. Open the various Nova data files to find out which ones.

Some I know (for ID 128 of the object being described)
Spöb bar=10000
Mďsn briefing=4000
Shďp escort=14000
Other Mďsn components=anything
I think the EVN Bible has the complete list.

Did you replace every system? If not, the others will still show up. To rid yourself of them, make a copy for your plug-in of the unused s˙sts, but make sure the link fields are blank.

(edited by mrxak: fixed bad UBB code (it's / not ))

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 06-28-2002).)

The best solution is to remove the alias for that pilot, and it won't try to load it on startup. Always use a new pilot for every plug you make.

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Thanks for the help!
So that means that for the id of a mission briefing, the formula would be 4000-128+x (Where x in this case is the mission id).

Which of the boxes you have to fill in in the sŘst is the one for hyperlinks?
Also does hypergates link to a certain system or does it link to a certain spšb or, another warpgate?

I had used that pilot specifically to test the plug in, since I started on it, but I guess it couldnt handle the new systems quite well.
Never turn your back on a Shadow....

(This message has been edited by Evil_Shadow (edited 06-28-2002).)

Could someone answear these questions:
So that means that for the id of a mission briefing, the formula would be 4000-128+x (Where x in this case is the mission id).

Which of the boxes you have to fill in in the sŘst is the one for hyperlinks?
Also does hypergates link to a certain system or does it link to a certain spšb or, another warpgate?

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

Get the EVN bible and I.D. Formulas.

Hmm? Defense fleet? "What defense fleet? I haven't seen any defense fleet around here. Just radioactive debris."- moi
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