A world that you can't jump to?

I know there is the Sev7n (SP?) world. Can one be setup that can only be reached by wormhole (through the random jumping of coarse)? Also, let's say you get there, once you find it, then there is a jump point to and from the world.

I am just curious. Someone on the Nova webboard brought up a question of a Vellos world for those who decide not to go beyond the veil

Only when space is rolled up like a piece of leather
will there be an end to suffering,
apart from knowing God.
--Svetasvatara Upanisad, VI 20

In my plugin The Challenge (link found in sig), I have a system that can be reached by either a mission or a random wormhole taking you there. You leave by the wormhole, but it would be possible to make a one-way link to another system like Sol, which I have been thinking about doing for the next release. As for a two-way link, you might be able to do something to make that work, with cröns maybe, but I really don't know how exactly you'd do it.

Moderator- (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum9/HTML/003091.html")Need Plug Testers?(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/survival_guide/")EV/EVO/EVN Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/games/evn/addons.html")Nova Addons(/url) | (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dr_ralph/")Got NovaTools?(/url)
Don't just respond "me too". Copy and paste what the other person said and post it again!
(url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/TheChallenge102.sea.bin?path=evn/plugins&file;=TheChallenge102.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.3 coming very soon!)
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/mrxak/Haikus/haikus.html")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator


Originally posted by mrxak:
**In my plugin The Challenge (link found in sig), I have a system that can be reached by either a mission or a random wormhole taking you there. You leave by the wormhole, but it would be possible to make a one-way link to another system like Sol, which I have been thinking about doing for the next release. As for a two-way link, you might be able to do something to make that work, with cröns maybe, but I really don't know how exactly you'd do it.


Not cröns, but visbits. Dupe the neighboring system, using Oxxx and !Oxxx as the switch, where xxx gets replaced by the appropriate system identifier (specifically, for the one which you reached via wormhole).

NTi Ozymandias of the Red Shadow Organization