Need help with Replacing Spobs (EVN)

I want to use a mission to replace a spob with another spob. Is it only possible to do this by making one system invis and another vis? If so, wouldn't this screw up the bar missions and such that needed to go to that system?

Windows steals your life force. It opes a portal to its inner recesses and sucks a little bit of life away with every error. To reclaim your life force take your windows to the highest point you can find and drop it off. The feeling of bliss and euphoria is your life force returing.


Originally posted by Psion:
**I want to use a mission to replace a spob with another spob. Is it only possible to do this by making one system invis and another vis? If so, wouldn't this screw up the bar missions and such that needed to go to that system?


As far as I know, yes, VisBits are the only way to do that. The engine prevents random destinations from being transient (changing visibility during the game), but I haven't played with it enough to know if it will restrict the availability of a mission that has you travel to an invisibile system. You need to make sure that you modify all the missions accordingly, regardless.

It's hard to enlighten someone who's brain doesn't have an "on" switch.

(This message has been edited by Quantum Transcendence (edited 06-28-2002).)

(quote)Originally posted by Quantum Transcendence:
(b) I haven't played with it enough to know if it will restrict the availability of a mission that has you travel to an invisibile system.(b)(quote)

Unfortunately, it does allow you to have missions to nonexistent spöbs/s˙sts. Only, however, if the mission states that you must go to spöb whatever, not just a random one. At the least, this would be a problem if you somehow had the switch occour after you accepted the mission and before you finished it.