Trinity for Windows

Is there a place to download a windows version of the Trinity plugin? I am playing on Windows 98(thanks Ambrosia, for finally making a Windows game, even though Macs are better) and my Win-zip program refuses to open the file. Help?

Sorry for using an EV name on a PoG board, but my e-mail doesn't work so I can't regester a new one.
(edit)out of date .sig(/edit)
Shield? Who needs a shield? I have a DAGGER to block all atta*gaaaaaaaahhh...*die

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-22-2002).)


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
Is there a place to download a windows version of the Trinity plugin? I am playing on Windows 98(thanks Ambrosia, for finally making a Windows game, even though Macs are better) and my Win-zip program refuses to open the file. Help?

Mr. Lonevoinian,

There is only 1 version of Trinity, as all plug ins are platform independent(with the exception of a few windows-only bugs which I won't go into right now, heh).

Get yourself Stuffit Expander for Windows. It will work under Windows 98(I have this OS at work) and will unstuff .sit and .zip files.


Sorry for using an EV name on a PoG board, but my e-mail doesn't work so I can't regester a new one.

No apology necessary. This is an Ambrosia board, so your registered Ambrosia nic is more than acceptable on all the boards around here.

Welcome. 🙂

(edit) Typos.. bad typos! (/edit)
(url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 11-22-2002).)


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:

Alright, thanks Stark.
(edit)Out of date .sig(/edit)
Pillars of Garendall. Most fun game in the world till you meet a Sea Giant while holding a Dagger.

(This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 11-22-2002).)


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
Pillars of Garendall. Most fun game in the world till you meet a Sea Giant while holding a Dagger.

Even a dagger (or no weapon at all) will do in a jolly green giant if you get your strength high enough. 😄 ~RD

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
The (url="http://"")Kingdom of Garendall(/url) sectional map is easily printed from gif format pages.
Find those areas you missed the first time around. You'll want to explore those hidden areas now made accessible with Spells Expander.


Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
Alright, thanks Stark.
(edit)Out of date .sig(/edit)

You're welcome.

If by some freak thing you can't get it to work, drop me an email and I'll zip up my copy of trinity and shoot it to you. But almost all plug-ins are stuffed so you really ought to get a copy of expander so you can play other good plugins like, say, (url="http://";=Spells_Expander.sit")Spells Expander(/url). 🙂

(url="http://"")PoG Walkthrough and Compendium(/url) | (url="http://"")PoG Dev Tools(/url) | (url="http://"")Spells Expander(/url)
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")Coldstone-dev mailing list(/url)


But almost all plug-ins are stuffed so you really ought to get a copy of expander so you can play other good plugins like, say, Spells Expander.

Not nearly as good as my upcoming plugin. Ok, so maybe as good. Fine, better. Ok, ok it is amazing compared to mine. But I really only made it for fun. Your next plug, stark, will be as good, I suppose, or better than SE. My plugin is to occupy everyone for a day or 2 while waiting for stark's plugin and cafall's plugin. That's all it is. Stark: i am still waiting for that email.
