Okay, I've got the models, now what?

Due to popular demand (or lack thereof), I made a ship in Bryce 5, and animated it so it turns 10 degrees every frame, and saved it as a .mov file. How do I get it into a relD or rel8 resource using NovaTools?

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The only way I was aware of to produce that format was:

1: Turn your ship into a PICT file with 36 frames, in sequential order. (Rotate clockwise, start at 0ş.)
2: Download and use EnRLEDeRLE. (Go to the utilities section of the addons page, among other places.

I, however, am certainly not an expert at graphics, so there may be another way.


Originally posted by Alien Emporer:
1: Turn your ship into a PICT file with 36 frames, in sequential order. (Rotate clockwise, start at 0ş.)

How might I do that with a .mov file? Would iMovie work?

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Originally posted by Neon Soldier:
**How might I do that with a .mov file? Would iMovie work?


use "Sprites" to turn your .mov into a 36 (or whatever) framed PICT sprite. It's made by w00tware.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

The specific tool you're looking for is called m2s, and can be found in (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/cgi-bin/vftp/dl-redirect.pl/Sprites.sit?path=evn/utilities&file;=Sprites.sit")this package(/url) by wootWare.

-signature in development stage; please wait-

If you're going to be putting your ships into Nova, you may want to check out (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/postdisplay.cgi?forum=Forum56&topic;=001080")this topic(/url) in the Image Gallery to get your ships to look their best.

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Mmh. I find that the LASIK technique makes ships look oversharpened and somewhat cartoony. I prefer straight crisp Photoshop antialiasing, or if really needed a slight (meaning slight - 75%, 0.3 pixel radius) unsharp mask.

To each their own, I guess.

Neon Soldier - yes, use m2s, part of the Sprites package by w00tware, to convert the .mov into the right layout to put into EnRLE.

However, to get EnRLE to work, you have to put the PICTs into a ResEdit document, and set up a spďn or shän using the PICTs. That way EnRLE knows which masks go with which sprites - it won't work otherwise.



Originally posted by Neon Soldier:
**How might I do that with a .mov file? Would iMovie work?


Unless they changed it in v.5, Bryce will render as a PICT sequence. I find that easier to work with. If you must do the movie route, render with no_compression. Bryce will also do a mask render. I'll probably be using that next time I render out some ships.

"I know the stranger's name."

Thanks for all the help. You guys are great!

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