Two Nova ideas

  1. Fixing things in Nova that I find simply, well, dumb. Like different ships taking different amounts of time in hyperspace. Or it not always being obvious as to which "variant" of a ship that you're purchasing or flying, etc. Anything I should add to such a plug, beyond those two items?

  2. A seventh major mission string, that elaborates on the Kestrel being from a "parallel universe" or dimension or some such. It would be somewhat harder than a normal sequence, with the parallel and superior technology to work against, etc. Somewhere between the Pirate string (which I thought was the hardest of the five I've played) and the impossiblility claims of Frandall's challenge. Would you expect that this would be a popular plug (not just would you play it yourself, since that's a very small sample)? The plug (1) would be included in this package, because it wouldn't work well without it.

For either of these, I may require a small (very small) number of outfit graphics or weapon graphics, and would appreciate someone to assist me on these. Not that I can immediately think of what the graphics would be... but no ships. I doubt anyone would be willing to produce Nova-quality ships for glory only.

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Originally posted by Una:
1) Fixing things in Nova that I find simply, well, dumb. Like different ships taking different amounts of time in hyperspace. Or it not always being obvious as to which "variant" of a ship that you're purchasing or flying, etc. Anything I should add to such a plug, beyond those two items?

Having the ships take different amounts of time in hyperspace is good! It's been in EV since 1.0.0, and this is the first time I've heard someone complain about it. Besides, there are already outfits in the game that you can buy that reduce your jump time. Why would you need to know what "variant" of ship you're flying? There are only a few that are available, and they say "used" under the name. When you get info on the ship, it tells you what you're buying, with shield, speed, weapon values etc. I think that the game makes it pretty obvious what ship you're flying. Just press "P" and it'll tell you your ship stats. What were you thinking? Making the ships different colors? I think that those two plugs would just waste your time.


2) A seventh major mission string, that elaborates on the Kestrel being from a "parallel universe" or dimension or some such. It would be somewhat harder than a normal sequence, with the parallel and superior technology to work against, etc. Somewhere between the Pirate string (which I thought was the hardest of the five I've played) and the impossiblility claims of Frandall's challenge. Would you expect that this would be a popular plug (not just would you play it yourself, since that's a very small sample)? The plug (1) would be included in this package, because it wouldn't work well without it.**

It might be interesting, but it should only be available after the player has completed one of the main strings. I don't know.


For either of these, I may require a small (very small) number of outfit graphics or weapon graphics, and would appreciate someone to assist me on these. Not that I can immediately think of what the graphics would be... but no ships. I doubt anyone would be willing to produce Nova-quality ships for glory only.

And yet people do.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by Una:
2) A seventh major mission string, that elaborates on the Kestrel being from a "parallel universe" or dimension or some such. It would be somewhat harder than a normal sequence, with the parallel and superior technology to work against, etc. Somewhere between the Pirate string (which I thought was the hardest of the five I've played) and the impossiblility claims of Frandall's challenge. Would you expect that this would be a popular plug (not just would you play it yourself, since that's a very small sample)? The plug (1) would be included in this package, because it wouldn't work well without it.

An excellent idea. Itd have to be thought out well, but done right it would be brilliant. It brings upon the ideas of introducing ships from the classic EV. You could go through a wormhole and end up in the classic universe, although you could only travel through so many systems....

For those of you who remember the orginal monkey island games (1 + 2) there was a place in the 2nd game where you could re-visit the 1st game through a wierd and inventive way.... I guess im trying to say its a similar concept to that.... er, right?

l e g i o n

The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.

Edited for UBB fix

(This message has been edited by Legion (edited 06-20-2002).)


Originally posted by Legion:
For those of you who remember the orginal monkey island games (1 + 2) there was a place in the 2nd game where you could re-visit the 1st game through a wierd and inventive way.... I guess im trying to say its a similar concept to that.... er, right?

Nope. The parallel universe, as I conceive it, is nothing like the original EV, though I'm sure that's what most people thought of when they read the desc at the end of a major string. Instead, imagine a Nova universe where hyperspace (non-gate) travel is impossible, and those-who-built-ringworlds didn't completely leave.

And as to the comment by the other poster about jump-times, it has bugged me severely, and others whom I know, since EV 1.0.something, whenever we started playing the series. It just took this long to get initiative to change it. And by explaining which variant, the descriptions would say (as a first sentence, most likely) "This is called a class A starbridge" or "...350 NC type IDA frigate."

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