Nova Interplanetary Ship AI Question

Back in January, on the Nova boards, I posted (url="http://"")this(/url) topic in which I stated, and I quote,


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**Longtime lurker, first-time poster.

Is it possible, with the Nova engine, to create (...) a class of ships that are interplanetary, rather than interstellar -- like shuttles that go from planet to planet in the same system?

To which Frandall replied:


Originally posted by Frandall:
Yes. There is an undocumented way of doing exactly this, but don't expect them to do much else. The AI in question is very simple.

He later stated that it was an undocumented feature which Matt Burch claimed was documented in the Nova Bible.

I can't find it at all, though. Anyone have any ideas how to get this to work? Setting the AI to 1 and fuel to 0 just has the ship float to its destination planet and park there -- it doesn't go back and forth between the spöbs in the system.

It's just for eye candy, really, so if it can't be implimented I won't cry about it -- but I really did want to have shuttle pods going from planet to station and back again.

(edit) Fixed the URL/ (/edit)

(This message has been edited by UncleTwitchy (edited 06-19-2002).)

I'll look into this when I get home. It sounds interesting.

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I believe that asteroid miner ships that aren't equipped with weapons or asteroid scoops will patrol back and forth. There are some "economy at work" ships in the Nova data files that do this.

"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."

Thanks, Matt! Setting a ship to scoop asteroids, then giving it no asteroid scoop, does the trick.

It is better to feed the goat than it is today.