Pirate string Mission bit help

Hey guys... I am very sorry but I need to ask for your help... I idiotically saved my game after I screwed up a mission in the pirot string.. Its the mission where you pretend to be a convoy in order to lure pirates to you... you are then supposes to disable the pirate leader and obtain information by boarding him... I destroyed him and then landed by accident. This seems to have completely killed my game. If its not too much hassle can one of you write a plugin that will restart this mission or skip me past it? I'd do so myself but I have no idea how to use resedit or anything. Any help would be very much appreciated, My email is Nephilite@aol.com Thank you very much for your time.


That's why you're supposed to back up your pilot file every so often.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."