Storyline Idea...


Originally posted by kulong:
**Hahaha... Matrix, I don't know if you're Asian or not but I am... and I must say, that's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. This "selective breeding" you're speaking of isn't part of the Asian culture. We don't measure a potential mate's IQ before we marry. As I said, unless there's scientific prove that Asians breed smarter children, I still believe it's all due to the culture of pushing one's child or children to their extreme.


Well, duh. It isn't pre-measured, but think of it this way: The rich families can afford (and could afford) to give their children good education, letting their brains develop to reach the highest potential that they could. Of course, the "rich" families (we're talking about hundreds of years ago) aren't going to intermarry with "poor" families whose kids did not have the benefit of a good education. While the poor kids might be smart, it's the rich kids that get the benefit of good educations and "good genes." Not only that, but it's the rich families that can afford to send their kids to America, so we only see the really smart, cream-of-the-crop kids here... And yes, I am asian, I think I mentioned that earlier.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I'm tired of this race argument. Can we get back to ripping the Auroran "evolution?"


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Well, duh. It isn't pre-measured, but think of it this way: The rich families can afford (and could afford) to give their children good education, letting their brains develop to reach the highest potential that they could. Of course, the "rich" families (we're talking about hundreds of years ago) aren't going to intermarry with "poor" families whose kids did not have the benefit of a good education. While the poor kids might be smart, it's the rich kids that get the benefit of good educations and "good genes." Not only that, but it's the rich families that can afford to send their kids to America, so we only see the really smart, cream-of-the-crop kids here... And yes, I am asian, I think I mentioned that earlier.



What you just stated happens in every single culture on Earth. Why would ANY rich family intermarry with a poor family no matter which culture they are from? Do you think a rich English man would marry a poor English girl? Of course there are exceptions but what you proposed here is a general practice among all human cultures.

(This message has been edited by kulong (edited 06-01-2002).)


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**I'm tired of this race argument. Can we get back to ripping the Auroran "evolution?"



Sure, but as I've said before, it's impossible for a group of people, who live on different planets with different environments to evolve or change physically into the same thing since living beings evolve to adapt to their environment. Even if some freak accident happened and all, and I mean EVERY SINGLE one of Auroran world's environment has changed so drastically that the Aurorans had to "evolve" into a reptalian being in order to survive, it'd still be kind of tough to explain how the Aurorans manage to survive such a drastic change. As we all know, evolution's pace is measured in thousands of years. With Aurorans' current technology, they are more than capable of moving off to other planets when they notice that something drastic is going to happen which would change the enviornment on their world.



Originally posted by kulong:
**Sure, but as I've said before, it's impossible for a group of people, who live on different planets with different environments to evolve or change physically into the same thing since living beings evolve to adapt to their environment. Even if some freak accident happened and all, and I mean EVERY SINGLE one of Auroran world's environment has changed so drastically that the Aurorans had to "evolve" into a reptalian being in order to survive, it'd still be kind of tough to explain how the Aurorans manage to survive such a drastic change. As we all know, evolution's pace is measured in thousands of years. With Aurorans' current technology, they are more than capable of moving off to other planets when they notice that something drastic is going to happen which would change the enviornment on their world.


Sure, and I suggested that Revolution Kevin just make it a TC with new races. Ok. Right. I've made the exact same argument three times already. It's tiring. I don't think that this string is going ANYWHERE anymore. If anyone else (specifically moderators) agrees with me, then could you close this topic and put it out of its misery?


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Sure, and I suggested that Revolution Kevin just make it a TC with new races. Ok. Right. I've made the exact same argument three times already. It's tiring. I don't think that this string is going ANYWHERE anymore. If anyone else (specifically moderators) agrees with me, then could you close this topic and put it out of its misery?



Aww... but I'm out of town and this is about the only source of fun for me :frown:



Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Actually, I heard that rich asian families tend to breed with each other, and they like to have smart, beautiful sons and daughters breed so they can have smart(er), (more) beautiful sons and daughters. snip


Wouldn't that result in in-breeding making the species weaker and less intelligent ? (No comments about the Irish race thanks, we get along just fine - Take the Wild Geese for example 🙂 )

Wham!Man - The original and still the best
"The past is history, the futures a mystery. Today is a gift, that's


Originally posted by Wham!Man:
Wouldn't that result in in-breeding making the species weaker and less intelligent ? (No comments about the Irish race thanks, we get along just fine - Take the Wild Geese for example 🙂 )


Yes, that's exactly what would happen 😛 Don't listen to Matrix, we are not some sort of "Asian redneck" :p, no offense.

BTW, Irish is not a race, it's an ethnic.



The aurorans became reptelian, and their technology remains primitive.

The only bit of your premise I don't like; it's too farfetched. Evolution is not that fast, and they would not become reptiles, end of story. You could make it make sense by postulating (for example) the Aurorans learning some Polaris biotechnology and deciding to modify themselves genetically as an entire race to have scaly, armored skin, claws, and immense strength; charectaristics that are both reptilian and desirable by such a warlike people as the Aurorans.

Other than that, sounds great. Good luck.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.


Originally posted by Wham!Man:
Wouldn't that result in in-breeding making the species weaker and less intelligent ? (No comments about the Irish race thanks, we get along just fine - Take the Wild Geese for example 🙂 )


Good god, you guys totally missed what I said. I said nothing about inbreeding. I said that rich families intermarry (ie. one rich person marries a person from a DIFFERENT rich family). Jeez. SOMEONE PLEASE! THIS TOPIC HAS DEGRADED TO A CONVERSATION ABOUT RACE, AND THE SAME EVOLUTION/NON-EVOLUTION ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE AND REMADE THREE OR FOUR TIMES OVER!! THIS STRING IS GOING NOWHERE! TAKE IT OUT OF ITS MISERY!


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Good god, you guys totally missed what I said. I said nothing about inbreeding. I said that rich families intermarry (ie. one rich person marries a person from a DIFFERENT rich family). Jeez. SOMEONE PLEASE! THIS TOPIC HAS DEGRADED TO A CONVERSATION ABOUT RACE, AND THE SAME EVOLUTION/NON-EVOLUTION ARGUMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE AND REMADE THREE OR FOUR TIMES OVER!! THIS STRING IS GOING NOWHERE! TAKE IT OUT OF ITS MISERY!



Why does this thread need to be closed? This thread went from a simple storyline to a heavy discussion of evolution/race issues, which is still remotely related to EV.



Originally posted by CrazyTom9:
**The only bit of your premise I don't like; it's too farfetched. Evolution is not that fast, and they would not become reptiles, end of story. You could make it make sense by postulating (for example) the Aurorans learning some Polaris biotechnology and deciding to modify themselves genetically as an entire race to have scaly, armored skin, claws, and immense strength; charectaristics that are both reptilian and desirable by such a warlike people as the Aurorans.

Other than that, sounds great. Good luck.


It'd be difficult for the Aurorans to get tatoos on their scaly, armored skin, but your idea sounds a whole lot more logical than having them all evolve into reptiles.


(quote) The species evolve, and evolve, and evolve, until only the federation is remotely human (due to their more human surroundings), whereas the polaris become become almost entirely robotic, as their bodies had deteriorated due to a massive virus unleashed by the Federation towards the end of the war. The aurorans became reptelian, and their technology remains primitive.

Good story line, but what if the polaris became more biogentic not cybergentic and the auroans didn't become lizzards, they were continully fighting amongst them selfs that eventualy they killed so many of there own that they allmost lost all the technology so they still remain primitive.

Just an idea 😃

(quote)Originally posted by Space_Bob:
**(quote) The species evolve, and evolve, and evolve, until only the federation is remotely human (due to their more human surroundings), whereas the polaris become become almost entirely robotic, as their bodies had deteriorated due to a massive virus unleashed by the Federation towards the end of the war. The aurorans became reptelian, and their technology remains primitive.

Good story line, but what if the polaris became more biogentic not cybergentic and the auroans didn't become lizzards, they were continully fighting amongst them selfs that eventualy they killed so many of there own that they allmost lost all the technology so they still remain primitive.

Just an idea =)**(/quote)

How about after being CENTURIES and CENTURIES later, meaning a couple hundred years, the governments must have changed. Also, how about the fact that it'd be IMPOSSIBLE for the Aurorans to "evolve" into lizzards!


Space_Bob, DIDN'T YOU READ THE DAMN STRING? I mean, you just reposted what someone else said a while back. And didn't you read the whole evolution argument? Oy.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."