Pict Resource Ships

I am pretty new to making plugs in EV Nova. I tried to use a converted pict spin as a shŠn but I do not know where to fill in which shŠn the sh•p I made will use and where to fill in which picture it has.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....


Originally posted by Evil_Shadow:
**I am pretty new to making plugs in EV Nova. I tried to use a converted pict spin as a shS <caron>n but I do not know where to fill in which shS<caron>n the sh•p I made will use and where to fill in which picture it has.


Uh... Okay... That's a little confusing, but I'll do my best to answer your question.

So as you know, spins have six fields. Sprite ID, Mask ID, Xsize, Ysize, Xtiles, and Ytiles.

Shans have quite a few more, but let's start with what you're used to. The base image id is the image of the ship (previously SpriteID), and the base mask id is its mask. There's also the X and Y size. Here's where the shan departs. We have FramesPerSet and BaseSetCount, both of which are frequently mistaken for each other. The FramesPerSet asks you how many frames it takes for the sprite to rotate fully. In EV and EVO, this number was 36 (6 x 6 frames). Nova allows more rotational frames (for ships that rotate slowly), but if you're using an older sprite, 36 is the number you put in the FramesPerSet. BaseSetCount is the number of times the ship rotates. For you, it'll be 1, since there aren't any banking frames, nor animation, etc., just one rotation.

You don't need to worry about the Glow, Weapon, Alt, Light, nor Shield fields, because older sprites don't have those things. Glow is for the engine glow, weap is for weapon glows, alt is alternating sprite (animations), light is for running lights, and shield is for the shield glow (when it gets hit).

The only other thing that's important is the Gun/Turret/Guide/Beam coordinates. These say where the shots come out of the ship. The gun is for your guns, turret is for your turrets, guide are for your guided weapons (like missiles), and beam, of course, are locations where beams are emitted.

I hope that this helps.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Well Ive already done most of that, but your explaination maked things much easier to understand. My sprite is only 32 frames doh, it was taken from the game StarCraft and it has pretty few frames on its ships.
So most of the shŠn is already finished, apart from lights, engines and other extra things, since I havent got these (yet).
The major problem is how to make the sh•p resource to understand which shŠn id to use for the ship, so that it isnt using the shuttles shŠn for example. (Actually it is using the shuttles shŠn despite my efforts to make it use the shŠn Ive made. Possibly a bug.)

Edit Just noticed something, is the on purchase where you fill in which shŠn youre going to use for the ship?

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

No, the shďp and shän resources have to have the same index number. So, for instance, a shďp with a resource number of 128 will use the shän with the resource of 128.

And yes, that means that if you want to have multiple shďps using the same shän, then you need multiple shäns with numbers that match the shďps.


Oh so thats how it works! Good! Il test if it works now.

Edit Theres still some problem. I gave the sh•p and shŠn the id 483 and the PICTs that I use for the ship has the id: 32564 and 32565 for the mask. When i tested the ship, it turned into a warpgate, and then it crashed...
Its irritating that the EV Nova Bible doesnt state which resource ids you can use if you have a ship PICT that you want to use in the shŠn.
Never turn your back on a Shadow....

(This message has been edited by Evil_Shadow (edited 06-07-2002).)


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy: **
And yes, that means that if you want to have multiple shďps using the same shän, then you need multiple shäns with numbers that match the shďps.

Wrong. If you want multiple ships using the same SPRITE , you need multiple shäns with matching ships that point at the same rleD+rle8/pict.


Originally posted by Evil_Shadow: **
Edit Theres still some problem. I gave the sh•p and shˇn the id 483 and the PICTs that I use for the ship has the id: 32564 and 32565 for the mask. When i tested the ship, it turned into a warpgate, and then it crashed...
Its irritating that the EV Nova Bible doesnt state which resource ids you can use if you have a ship PICT that you want to use in the shˇn.

The Nova Bible might not state which resource ids you can use for your pict graphics, but the Nova Graphics files do. 32564 and 32565 are WAY too high. Try using ids in the 1000+.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Ok il test again! AAAAGH!!! I gave it the PICT id 1200 and mask was 1201 and it still crashed!!! When I buyed the ship, there was no graphic at all, I shot some shots and tried to move the ship then it crashed...AGAIN!

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

(This message has been edited by Evil_Shadow (edited 06-07-2002).)

I tested yet again, but the ship turned into a moon, looked rather silly actually. So I changed the sh•p id to 2340 and 2341, but it crashed, as always, but this time giving me an error description:
Assertion Failure! Nova will now quit. The failure occured here: Sprite.c 1616 N/A.

Is it my sprite that is corrupted or what is this! It drives me crazy!

Never turn your back on a Shadow....


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Wrong. If you want multiple ships using the same SPRITE, you need multiple shäns with matching ships that point at the same rleD+rle8/pict.

D'oh! That's what I meant.

Chalk it up to having posted before the morning caffeine had kicked in.


You have two options, and I encourage you to try them both.

1. Send me a copy of the plug, and I'll look it over, and see if I can find anything wrong with it. Be sure to mention your webboard screen name, and give a general description of the topic (the problems with the pict sprites, etc....) so that I don't pass your message over.

2. Turn your pict sprite into a rleD/rle8 sprite. They're a whole lot more compatible than picts. All you need is EnDeRLE from w00tware.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 06-08-2002).)

I turned the pict sprite into a rl‘8 and a rl‘D sprite....but....
ITS WORKING! Only problem is that I made the sprite slightly wrong, so that when its supposed to point up, it points slightly to the sides, but thats not such a big problem. Its easy to fix, just a bit time consuming.
Thanks for all the help!

Never turn your back on a Shadow....