Color Codes

What are the color codes for ResEdit? You know the $00FF0FF stuff. Give me some specific colors. Also is there codes that give you mixed colors?

EVN Rocks. Ambrosia Rocks. Plugs Rock! I rock!!!! MACS RULE!!!

those colours can be found out quite easily. Simply use an HTML colour picker, and ti should say the converted code. And no, you cant make any mixed clours, unless you mean red + yellow = orange?

"Foolish is he who plays twister on the stairs"

Just use HTML's RGB hex numbers to get the code. The first two characters are red, the second two green, and the third two are blue (red, green, and blue, the additive primary colors, are the colors of the pixels in computer and TV screens). The higher the number, the stronger that color is, and the numbers are hexadecimals, meaning they count by sixteens in the following manner:


Thus, completely black would be 000000, and white would be FFFFFF. Pure red is FF0000, pure green is 00FF00, and pure blue is 0000FF. You can guess at other colors based on this. For example:

FF00FF: magenta (if you want a more purple looking color, try toning the red down)
FFFF00: yellow
888888: gray (any code where all three colors are in equal strengths will be black, white, or a shade of gray)
FF8800: orange
008888: turquoise
00FFFF: teal
884400: brown

(url="http://";=Just+Games&number;=60")Just Games(/url) • (url="http://"")The Devil's Dictionary(/url) • (url="http://"")