Banking issues.

Don't ask how, but I somehow rendered and implemented around 22 banking ships so far with the banking backwards. I thought I checked the banking when I started, but I somehow screwed it up. Is there a simple way to fix this with out renaming all of my files(at least 72 per ship) or editing the sprites in Photoshop? I could come of with an excuse of course(which I've gotten exceptionally good at after so so many screw ups). Hows this:

During World War 3 when starfighter battles first took place, designers implemented what they called the "reverse banking ploy". To confuse a ship in pursuit for a needed second, the first ship turned like it was banking right, but micro thrusters on the top and bottom of the ship turned it left. This method stuck with some groups because of the war torn galaxy we live in now days(year 2750).

Any better ideas?

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If the banking is backwards, then the looks like its turning too fast like a car about to flip over?
Best fix would be to photoshop and switch the last two 6x6 (or what ever number you use) bases. so it calls on the right banking sprite for the right direction.
Thats only about 10 or so steps per ship to move things around correctly, not that bad.

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Or you could just re-render with the sprites banking correctly. It's the easiest (but probably most time consuming) way of fixing that problem. Don't forget, the order is: level, banking left, banking right.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I made a problem with a sprite one time where it jumped a frame forwards then back then two forward again (one sprite off, don't ask how). Photoshop took care of it in a snap. I'd recomend using it for you mistake as well.

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I'm gonna try either the Photoshop method or renaming method. What I did when I rendered them was render the first set mof 36 picslevel) as "a", and in the same folder render "b" and "c" as the banking right and left. I could simply rename all of the "b" pics as "d". When I use p2s on them again it will order them alphabetically therefore placing the the left sprites before the right. That way I wouldn't have to mess with masks.

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