System 128

If system 128 is the system you appear in when you use an escape pod then the EVNB suggests that you make this a neutral system. However in EVN this system is Tichel. I was playing and used an escape pod and wound up in Tichel, where I ten promptly died. I was playing Auroans and the Feds blew me away. I was in Strict Mode btw. Perhaps the system you arrive in after using an escape pod can be changed or defined by the char resource(I made char for each major mission string to speed along the game)? Good or bad idea?


The System 1-4 fields in the chär resource mark where you appear. There's an equal chance of each one; entering four values makes each one 25%, two makes it 50%, etc.
In short, that sounds like a good idea.


There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet

Hrm. Wasn't your record in every system supposed to go back to game-start levels when you eject? I usually don't eject much (I'm too much of a wuss for strict play :p), but I thought that's how things were supposed to be. Maybe I read something wrong somewhere.

"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion." -mrxak
(url="http://";=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon)
(url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator

does this resource also apply to starting system the moment you create a player?

Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus

I don't believe that the char resource has any effect on where you appear after you eject.

"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."


Originally posted by Dahak:
**If system 128 is the system you appear in when you use an escape pod then the EVNB suggests that you make this a neutral system. However in EVN this system is Tichel. I was playing and used an escape pod and wound up in Tichel, where I ten promptly died. I was playing Auroans and the Feds blew me away. I was in Strict Mode btw. Perhaps the system you arrive in after using an escape pod can be changed or defined by the char resource(I made char for each major mission string to speed along the game)? Good or bad idea?


The Bible is ahemcoughcoughmisleadingcoughcoughhrrrmph on this. You're not guaranteed to wind up in syst 128 or any of the starting char systs after ejecting. See this thread:

I haven't yet figured out the algorithm EVN uses to choose your syst after you eject. Sometimes I wind up in the same syst I ejected in, sometimes it's a few jumps away.



Originally posted by mrxak:
**Hrm. Wasn't your record in every system supposed to go back to game-start levels when you eject? I usually don't eject much (I'm too much of a wuss for strict play:p ), but I thought that's how things were supposed to be. Maybe I read something wrong somewhere.


Yea, that's right. That's why we used to be able to get away with the shuttlecraft bug in EV 1.0.0. The things used to carry 128,000 credits, so you'd fly around in the default shuttle with a laser, an escape pod and an auto eject. After you got the confeds thoroughly pissed at you, you attack a patrol ship, and get blown away. You eject, and start over with a fresh legal record.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by mrxak:
**Hrm. Wasn't your record in every system supposed to go back to game-start levels when you eject? I usually don't eject much (I'm too much of a wuss for strict play:p ), but I thought that's how things were supposed to be. Maybe I read something wrong somewhere.

He was probably blown away in the crossfire.

<added probably>
Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'

(This message has been edited by Blackdog (edited 05-29-2002).)


Originally posted by Earthling:
**The Bible is ahemcoughcoughmisleadingcoughcoughhrrrmph on this. You're not guaranteed to wind up in syst 128 or any of the starting char systs after ejecting.

Indeed, and I have now removed the offending sentences from the Bible. 🙂


"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."


Originally posted by Blackdog:
**He was probably blown away in the crossfire.

<added probably>**

That's happened to me way too many times. Stupid pirates....

Of course, there was that other time in the United Express string, where you're supposed to go to Aurora, and I was in a Heavy Shuttle at the time, and when they "test" you, I couldn't get past the planet sprite before I was blown away (and of course, I couldn't fit an escape pod on board)....


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 05-29-2002).)