Devolping Plug-Ins

Can anyone recommend a good source for beginners wanting to develop a plug-in. I am quite overwhelmed with ResEdit. I need a simple beginners walk-through. Thanks in advance. Brad Atwell


Welcome to the Ambrosia web boards, bcatwell.

If you're developing for EV Nova, Cafall's (url="http://"")tutorial(/url) might be what you're looking for. Incidentally, if you haven't already, you should get (url="http://"")w00tWare(/url)'s NovaTools - they make ResEdit much more adapted to this kind of work.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") Forums / Classifieds / Upcoming Plug-ins / More

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 05-22-2002).)

If you're developing for EV/EVO, then ResEdit with the templates and the bible is the best way to go. True, it's confusing at first, but the simplest way is to start small and work up. The general suggestion is to start with "cheater plugs," then add new ships, weapons, outfits, etc. Work your way up to short mission strings. One does not start their development career by making a TC.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Welcome. Not a huge deal, but you may want to proofread your topic name before you submit your new topic.

If you have any more questions, feel free to (url="http://";=9")search(/url) the forum for answers, and if you can't find any answers by searching, then start a new topic. Enjoy!

Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
All the good ways of saying pipeline sucks were already taken...
(url="http://";=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon)
(url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**If you're developing for EV/EVO, then ResEdit with the templates and the bible is the best way to go. True, it's confusing at first, but the simplest way is to start small and work up. The general suggestion is to start with "cheater plugs," then add new ships, weapons, outfits, etc. Work your way up to short mission strings. One does not start their development career by making a TC.



I have to say, when I got into making plug-ins I couldn't fathom ResEdit. The "Guide to ResEdit" from the downloads section at Ambrosia got me to that "Aha!" moment when I finally understood what I was trying to do. And Pontus' EVO Formula Calculator made the whole thing very simple.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.

Aha. That's the difference. You grew up on EVO, and there were a whole bunch of third party editors by that time. I, like a few of us still around, started on EV 1.0.0. There were no editors besides ResEdit and the Bible, and there were no plugins yet. We HAD to start cheating on the ships because 1.0.0 didn't like new missions and stuff. When 1.0.2 came out, I was like "Wow! This is great! I can get new ships and missions and stuff! Schmelta V!" Starting developing on EVO and EVN is a lot tougher than starting on EV, because the sheer number of resources that you need to edit are a lot greater. Despite that we didn't have much help with making plugs, starting on EV was relatively easy because it is relatively simpler than EVO or N.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Aha. That's the difference. You grew up on EVO, and there were a whole bunch of third party editors by that time. I, like a few of us still around, started on EV 1.0.0. There were no editors besides ResEdit and the Bible, and there were no plugins yet. We HAD to start cheating on the ships because 1.0.0 didn't like new missions and stuff. When 1.0.2 came out, I was like "Wow! This is great! I can get new ships and missions and stuff! Schmelta V!" Starting developing on EVO and EVN is a lot tougher than starting on EV, because the sheer number of resources that you need to edit are a lot greater. Despite that we didn't have much help with making plugs, starting on EV was relatively easy because it is relatively simpler than EVO or N.



I must agree that ev was a lot simpler. We didn't have as many rescources or flags(I still don't know have the flags). I first got EV off the Mac Addict Cd I think in 98, and I was like"this is a cool game". When EVO came out, I was like woaw! Then when Nova game, EV seems so......lame, boring.... But its still the classic. Oh, how come you Ambrosia people didn't release EVN on the Mac addict CD but put Deimos Rising on it?

I have already won when I
haven't even begun

Hrm... nobody has suggested EV edit. If you are working on EV/O you should start in EV edit I think. That is not confusing at all, and though may not be extreamly powerfull in EVO, I learned plug making on it. Now I use Res with Nova tools, and I have developed for all three games, only published just recently on Nova.(get the Khamikazi plug, It's the best šŸ™‚

Anyway, start with EV edit, get used to some of the resources, and move up from there.

I am ME hear me roar!

Do not use EV-Edit. It crashes A LOT.

Beware the substance '(url="http://"")e(/url)'

I've heard that EV edit is easy to use, but very buggy.

Adventure Dog: Everyone's favorite little black and white dog.
In a fight for peace, you must fight for equality, not revenge.

Thanks for the recommendation, David. šŸ™‚
As David Arthur said, if you're developing for Nova, (url="http://"")my manual(/url) is probably the best way to go Ā— the Bible is worth downloading, but it is basically reference material. Also, the guide to ResEdit (written by me, of course šŸ˜‰ ) that was mentioned by Arashi can be downloaded at: " Documentation.sit.hqx"


Originally posted by Meaker VI:
**Hrm... nobody has suggested EV edit. If you are working on EV/O you should start in EV edit I think. That is not confusing at all, and though may not be extreamly powerfull in EVO, I learned plug making on it. Now I use Res with Nova tools, and I have developed for all three games, only published just recently on Nova.(get the Khamikazi plug, It's the best:)

Anyway, start with EV edit, get used to some of the resources, and move up from there.


No matter what, don't ever use EV Edit. It crashes, corrupts plugins, and spreads nasty little problems like the plague.

(Edit: UBB won't accept FTP URLs, so I deleted the UBB.)

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall

(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 05-28-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Cafall (edited 05-28-2002).)


Originally posted by Meaker VI:
**Hrm... nobody has suggested EV edit. If you are working on EV/O you should start in EV edit I think.

Aack! Aack!! Evil!!!!! EVEdit is EVIL!!!!! Don't use it, it's really buggy, crash prone, and really ends up screwing with your plugins.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by Cafall:
**the Bible is worth downloading, but it is basically reference material.


Actually, but Bible is, well, the Bible when it comes to making plugins. It's practically all you need along with EV/EVO/EVN and ResEdit. You use the original data files as references, and read along with the bible, and you can pretty much figure everything out from there. If you have a question about something ambiguous, you post your specific question on the webboard. Don't forget that there are many experienced plug developers, many of whom have experience on all three EVs, out there, and this board is a place for all of them to read you question, and probably post some interesting and useful answer.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I recommend getting the PDF version of the Bible. It is so much easier using bookmarks to look up common areas. A hard copy is not a bad idea either.

Drop the banjo and step away from the fire hydrant.