StarCraft Tc Team Recruiting

I am making a StarCraft total conversion for EV Nova and as I am new to making ships and exporting sprites from StarCraft I need some help, so post here to show your interest, if you want to be a member of the tc post it here!

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

Well, if you need anyone to do landing pics, I can help. 🙂 Email me at if you need my assistance.


I've reconsidered my opinion on Shadow's StarCraft for EVN concept, and retract the statement with my apologies.


(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 05-18-2002).)

I think he wants to add SC flying units and probably some other too, he didn't say he wanted to do a RTS he just wanted help to export the sprites.

Desert-Rat a pro n00b
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Originally posted by Mahayana:
**Well, if you need anyone to do landing pics, I can help.:) Email me at if you need my assistance.


You think you might post some in the gallery?

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Uh. Starcraft is probably not the best use of the Nova engine, and besides, the point of the two games are very different. Starcraft is a real time strategy (RTS) game where you control lots of characters all at once. Nova is more of a third person game, where you only control one character. I just can't see a nova conversion into Starcraft working very well, sorry.



Why would we want to properly convert starcraft to Nova if we can just play Starcraft? I'm sure the point of his TC is so that you can fly cool ships like Carriers and Valkyries - I'd play it.

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Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Uh. Starcraft is probably not the best use of the Nova engine, and besides, the point of the two games are very different. Starcraft is a real time strategy (RTS) game where you control lots of characters all at once. Nova is more of a third person game, where you only control one character. I just can't see a nova conversion into Starcraft working very well, sorry.

I don't think the point of his plug is to recreate Starcraft; I think he just wants to make a plugin based on Starcraft, especially the ships. Find out more about the plug before posting know-it-all replies.


See above retraction.

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 05-18-2002).)

Well I will probably have many missions where you are given escorts, maybe choosing between two teams of escorts or choosing where to attack, It will not simply be a conversion of SC to EVN it will be made so that individual ships are more powerful, also as I said you wont always be alone.
Landing pictures arent the thing that are highest ranked at my list,
I need someone that can export the sprites for the ships in StarCraft and put em in EV Nova or someone who can create his own ships sprites to use in the plug.
I also need somebody who is experienced and understand how to make ships, outfits etc.
A mission maker would also be needed for the tc
Landing Pics are much of an extra thing to add to polish the plug a little extra, but all help would be good.
Ships would include ability to upgrade and outfit in many ways, not just buy a valkyria and get destroyed just becauce you need many of them.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

I like the idea. Sounds interesting. I'd help, but (a) I'm really busy right now, and (🆒 I'm not familiar enough with how StarCraft encodes its sprites. If you need any help with resources or something, I'll try to be available.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Well I dont know how to make pict spins to appear in EV Nova...

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

What do you mean? You don't use spins for ships in Nova. You use shans.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

Whats the difference and how can I make picts to become a shan? Or must I make new graphics for all the ships? If so, I need somebody which can make graphics.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

you already have the graphics? That's good. Shans are similar to spins, except they hold a lot more data. You can basically take a lot of the data in your spins and put them into the shans, and should solve your problems. You can also set points for where weapons come out of, and also things like glow layers, and stuff. If you want, you can send the existing stuff to me via email, and I can look it over and make changes, and send it back to you.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

I've always wanted to make a StarCraft plug, never had the graphics though...
I can help make things, program them in and all that, but I cannot make or transfer graphics. All I can do with them is change the color. Also, I've never been very good at making dialoge.... But if you need a programmer, I can help somewhat. Email me at my email address on the top of my post box thing.

I am ME hear me roar!

Im sorry but my email account is down, I can receive e-mail but I cannot send any.
But If you know a little about scripting units, Im sure you would be a good help.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....

Hmmm... I was wondering about that. Anyway, yes, I could do things like make ships and weapons and link them and price etc, etc. I don't like doing missions or planets though.

I am ME hear me roar!

I am myself quite good at writing so you doesnt need to do that stuff.
But I have a serious problem, and that is, sprites, or more excactly; ShŠns, I doesnt know how to get the sprites working, Ive recently learned that EV Nova uses shans and not spins like old EVs so I really dont know how to do the sprites.
It would be great if somebody with experience in 3D modelling could help me out.
I know some places with free StarCraft 3D models, but it would still be needed to make most models.

Never turn your back on a Shadow....


Originally posted by Evil_Shadow:
**I am making a StarCraft total conversion for EV Nova and as I am new to making ships and exporting sprites from StarCraft I need some help, so post here to show your interest, if you want to be a member of the tc post it here!


Wait for Starcraft 2 to come out. Then you'll have some more ships to work with. 😉

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Originally posted by Commander Arashi:
**You think you might post some in the gallery?

Maybe, if people would like me too...
