Help with Fighter Bays

Arr, what's wrong with my fighter bays? The lower-ID'd variants of fighter outfits eat the higher ones. I thought it was because of stacking, but even after changing the names of the variants (resource names of outfits and weapons, as well as short names in outfits), a Frunch'ek Phoenix will always turn into a Va Thamgiir one when I recall it.

I cannot find any coded link between these ships. I don't think it should happen, because rebel vipers don't just go off and become other vipers. Variants are different ships, too, and I can't see why they're being treated like the same ships.

Any insight?

Sorry, I should have looked at older posts first. I just did, and my thoughts now are along the lines of, "Holy what???? "

This means that I have to copy the sprites from all the fighters with variants and put up to three copies of them into my plugin. What used to be a data-intensive but rather small plug now weighs about five megs! Is there any way around making new graphics for every fighter which you would like not to be eaten by a lower ID'd fighter outfit type?

What does this mean for Nova's thought process when I recall my fighters?

Alright, there's a fighter coming in. What does it look like?
It looks like rlëD #1098.
Ok, what shän is that connected with?
Well, the first one I found was shän #1049.
And what ship is that shän parallel to?
Why, the Rebel Fighter (Index #49), of course!
Good, good. Now, do we have an wëap for those?
Yeah, let me check, here. It's... "Rebel Viper Bay", ID 192.
Right, and that's connected with which oütf?
Oh, say, ID 298.
And there's an ammo outfit for that?
Yep, ID 299.
Ok, give the player one of those. Ok, there's another fighter coming in...
Oh, Jesus.

If this is true, then Nova ignores the fact that it could just ask the incoming fighter what it is, and instead derives it wrongly by doing the equivalent of looking at it!

Yes, this is a triple post, but nobody's explained this to me. I just fixed my plugin, and now it's 6.9MB larger than it was before. This is because all the fighter variants, because they have different rleXs, need new parallel shipyard, comm and scan PICTs.

I do hope this system gets changed in 1.0.1. I can't see any benefit in having Nova do all that work just to get a wrong answer.

That's just the way it is.
I know that's not what you want to hear, and that's probably why nobody's responded, but it's true. I think there was some sort of logical reason for this, but I've forgotten it by now. I believe it has to do with graphical issues...
I do not know if this will change in 1.0.1, but my guess would be that Matt Burch doesn't want to change his whole engine around at this point.

Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
"What goes up must come down, unless it reaches Escape Velocity and flies off to Palshife to join the Rebellion." -mrxak
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It is rather bizzare, isn't it? Anyone who knows the reasoning behind it, feel free to post...

(url="http://"")Catalyst(/url): A single beat of a butterfly's wing...


Originally posted by Gul Banana:
**It is rather bizzare, isn't it? Anyone who knows the reasoning behind it, feel free to post...


I definitely beat my head in for about a week to figure this out until someone took an interest in the problem for me after a few disgruntled posts on my part, and I think the best he came up with, don't remember who, just said it was hardcoded into the engine.

-The answer to most of life's quandaries: It's good for the exact same reason it's bad.


Originally posted by Kuji:
**just said it was hardcoded into the engine.


Yes, that is true.

Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
All the good ways of saying pipeline sucks were already taken...
(url="http://";=TheChallenge101.sea.bin")The Challenge(/url): A deadly test of skill and power (new version 1.0.2 coming soon)
(url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url): Collected Works of the Rabid Haiku Generator