Hiring Existing EVN Ships

I have tried to make the Raven (the purchaseable version) hirable in various Polaris stations. However, I have not had any success. I put the Hirechance to 85, and made the proper dësc's and pict's for the hire dialog. Still no Raven for hire. I tried putting the same availiablity bits on the Raven as the Striker (which is hirable). Now I can't even buy the Raven. Is there anything I am missing?

Just because this is my first post doesn't mean I am a newbie, I have searched the boards, no results, and I have looked at the Nova Bible. No help.

Could I get any help here?

I am experiencing a similar issue. It is because you probably didn't make the right Raven available. You see, the Polaris evolve during the game, and the have a number of invisible variants of their variants. That is, there are tunneling organs and weapons that fire without uncloaking, which means that a new ship type is used every time this technology gets introduced. They are enabled with mission bits, and the old ones are similarly disabled.

My request, because someone else might know this and I don't want to dig through that many resources, is that someone please post the Polaris ship heirarchy, along with which mission bits affect it. I'm making a mod which allows you to buy variants of all ships (only in their appropriate locations, for appropriate prices), and I'm almost done. I've just been confounded by this problem with the Polaris, and it all seems rather complicated.

I managed to make 1 type of Raven hirable by removing the !bxxx's from the acceptance fields. I am sure this is not the right way to make it hirable, as the Ravens I hire have neither shield data or text saying they are escorts. Woe is me. :frown:

As for the Polaris ship hierarchy, here they are: (exculding Rebel dragons)

If there are no bXXXX, for the availabilty fields, assume it is b9999.


ID-314 Upgrade to ID 161 (Kemi)
ID-161 (b279 | b316) Upgradable to ID 315 (Standard)
ID 315 (Nil'kimas)


ID 318 Upgrade to ID 163 (kemi)
ID 163 (b279 | b316) & !b1304 Appear on: !b1304 Upgrade to ID 317 (Standard)
ID 317 Appear on !b1304 (Nil'kimas)

ID 262 (b279 & b1304) & !b324 Appear on: b1304 & !b324 Upgrade to 322 (Cloak)
ID 322 Appear on: b1304 & !b324 (Nil'kimas)

ID 271 (b279 | b316) & b324 Appear on: b324 Upgrade to 329 (Cloaking+fast jump)
ID 329 Appear on: b324 (Nil'kimas)


ID 186 Appear on: b318 & !b1301 (Standard)

ID 256 b319 Appear on: b319 & !b1301 (Cloaking)

ID 257 b1301 & !b1302 Appear on: (b1301 & !b1302) | b1306 (Cloaking)

ID 258 b1302 & !b323 Appear on: (b1302 | b1307) & !b323 (Cloaking)

ID 266 b323 Appear on: b323 (Cloaking+fast jump)

ID 356 Appear on: b318 & !b1301 (Standard)

ID 357 Appear on: b319 (Standard)

Apparently, no Zephyr is upgradeable, I could not find any ship upgradable to or from the various versions.


ID 158 (b298 & P30) & !b1303 Appear on: !b1303 Upgrade to 311 (Standard)
ID 311 Appear on: !b1303 (Nil'kimas)

ID 259 (b298 & b1303) & !b324 Appear on: (b1303 | b1309) & !b324 Upgrade to 319 (Cloak)
ID 319 Appear on: (b1303 | b1309) & !b324 (Cloak, Nil'kimas)

ID 269 b298 & b324 Appear on: b324 Upgrade to 326 (Cloak+fast jump)
ID 326 Appear on: b324 (Cloak+fast jump, Nil'kimas)


ID 162 (b298 & P30) & !b1302 Appear on: !b1302 Upgrade to 316 (Standard)
ID 316 Appear on: !b1302 (Nil'kimas

ID 261 (b298 & b1302) & !b323 Appear on: b1302 | b1308) & !b323 Upgrade to 321 (Cloak)
ID 321 Appear on: (b1302 | b1308) & !b323 (Cloak, Nil'kimas)

ID 270 b298 & b323 Appear on: b323 Upgrade to 328 (Cloak+fast jump)
ID 328 Appear on: b323 (Cloak+fast jump, Nil'kimas)


ID 312 Upgrade to 159 (kemi)
ID 159 !(b424 | b1305) & (b217 | b316) Appear on: !b1305 Upgrade to 313 (Standard)
ID 313 Appear on !b1305 (Nil'kimas)

ID 260 b1305 & !b324 Appear on: The same Upgrade to 320 (Cloak)
ID 320 Appear on: b1305 & !b324 (Cloak, Nil'kimas)

ID 269 (b217 | b316) & b324 Appear on: b324 Upgrade to 327 (Cloak+fast jump)
ID 327 Appear on: b324 (Cloak+fast jump, Nil'kimas)


ID 182 !(b424 & b324) Appear on: !b324 (Standard)

ID 273 b324 Appear on: b324 (fast jump)

ID 394 !(b424 & b324) Appear on: !b324 (Standard)


ID 160 !b424 & !b324 Appear on: !b324 (Standard)

ID 268 b324 Appear on: b324 (fast jump)


ID 164 (b305 & b1100) & (P30 & !b1302) Appear on: b296 & !b1302 Upgrade to 310 (Standard)
ID 310 Appear on: b296 & !b1302 (Nil'kimas)

ID 263 (b305 & b1100) & (b1302 & !b323) Appear on: (b296 & b1302) & !b323 Upgrade to 323 (Cloak)
ID 323 Appear on: (b296 & b1302) & !b323 (Cloak, Nil'kimas)

ID 264 Appear on: b1306 & !b1307 Upgrade to 324 (Standard)
ID 324 Appear on: b1306 & !b1307 (Nil'kimas)

ID 265 Appear on b1307 Upgrade to 325 (Cloak)
ID 325 Appear on b1307 (Cloak, Nil'kimas)

ID 272 (b305 & b1100) & b323 Appear on: b323 Upgrade to 330 (Cloak+fast jump)
ID 330 Appear on: b323 (Cloak+fast jump, Nil'kimas)

Well, thats it. (Damn those invalid rectangle errors)


Originally posted by BongoMonkey:
Damn those invalid rectangle errors

If you use (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/dr_ralph/")NovaTools(/url), those don't happen.

David Arthur
(url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url): MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url): Forums / Classifieds / Upcoming Plug-ins / More

I am using NovaTools. They just don't show up on shďp, spöb, s˙st, weäp, shän and a couple of others for some reason. Are they supposed to show up there?